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02/28/13 3:51 PM

#33694 RE: mjnabull #33692

A million billion dollars.

I'm not trying to put you down, but you've asked a ridiculous question - no one can possibly know the answer.


02/28/13 4:16 PM

#33705 RE: mjnabull #33692

Hard to say, but yet another potential rocket booster for the pps. Nick hinted that he has enough real PR material now to blow the pps up over a penny if he wanted - but doent want this to be a classic pump and dump. So we in healthy fashion could climb in time to well over say .05 with this float now complete with tha 70 mil out there now factored in.. And I say this as an active buyer today, yesterday...last week - shares I buy now I plan to sell well over a penny - shares I bought under .0025 I plan to sell some between .0075 and .01 to get to free shares and some profit. I sold to soon in other pennies last year that I got in below .003 - only to see them excellerate over a penny and one to .08 cents - not this time. MDIN has much more real world potential then those two combined...and a much better SS in regards to the 240 mil float and 400 mil OS - the AS needs to come down to a billion as we all know and s being worked on.

Protect profit, get to free shares and then ride loooooong always a good stategy.

Hope you join us - pick your spot or dip and perhaps we will see you soon!