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02/26/13 11:27 PM

#3988 RE: Joe Stocks #3983

Mr. Market seems to think otherwise...

...go figure!
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02/27/13 12:18 AM

#3989 RE: Joe Stocks #3983

GSEs make most of thier money from G-fees. Some from MBS and hedging activity. See slide 17 in the attached. TSY is only making Freddie sell off non-critical assets and will allow them to participate in the market at a later date and somewhat smaller size.

TSY is doing this for two reasons:

1. To open private competition (a secondary mortgage mkt), by making the GSEs sell off some patents and a great deal of proprietary info

2. Selling off the Assets will bring more $$ to TSY.
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02/27/13 11:01 AM

#4004 RE: Joe Stocks #3983

The $250B is the remaining retained portfolio which is always offset with borrowings. But it's not available for a recap (beyond a PV of future net to be recapitalized) or anything more than a way to help stabilize MBS prices and hold some assets that may not be as liquid generally.

The question is: once the Federal Reserve starts selling its F/F MBS, who will the buyers be?

In the past F/F soaked up the market excess to keep mortgage rates low. Lately its been the Federal Reserve. In the future...I guess we find out. Or see higher mortgage rates, even more so than we will see due to the natural bond market cycle (and that's heading up already as we know.)