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02/25/13 5:02 PM

#1846 RE: ztockings #1845

There are several posters that talk to Steve on this board, has anyone asked him if G2 will ever provide HD quality video?? I'm sure there is a market for lesser quality video especially for advertising and that would make DSNY a good stock, but HD quality video compared or prepared for youtube would make this a "very big stock". I for one won't sell if the answer is no HD, but someone knows. TIA


02/25/13 5:53 PM

#1848 RE: ztockings #1845

what I'm really looking for is a video to play though without stopping every few seconds. If I can't watch it non stop , I'm not concerned with HD quality. The clipstream demos play through , but I can't get through a Amazon video.


02/25/13 6:17 PM

#1849 RE: ztockings #1845

The action movies are going to be shown with H-264 and H-265 quality - not anything less.

(1) Netflix and Hulu can afford to pay the license fees.
(2) That technology is going to be better than the royalty free technology no matter who says anything differently.

The consortium of Apple, Intel, Microsoft, et al can encourage hardware vendors to add whatever embedded graphics processing technology into new devices to make new H-265 compatible devices work better than 1 year old devices. The strategy that underlies the H-265 quality is one that encourages everyone to upgrade their technology tools as soon as their is a better quality video standard available. However, how many people are going to retire their iphone 5 for an iphone 6 just for the improvement in speed and quality of graphics from H-264 to H-265 standards?

Right now, Destiny will pursue the second tier market. Small publishers, amateur videographers and educational video companies because they want lower costs and simplicity over extreme quality at higher costs and complexity.

Destiny may develop a version of Clipstream G2 that uses H-265 at some point to reach the high-end customers, but that would be down the road a bit unless Netflix wants to pay the royalty bill through a licensing deal.

Once Destiny commits to running H-265, they will be on the hook for those royalties every year for a long while.

If Destiny can achieve near H-264 quality with their royalty free solution, then they have a killer application.