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The cook

02/25/13 4:08 PM

#1582 RE: eric4x #1579

I think it's in contango.... Vix futures are lower right now...


02/26/13 10:56 AM

#1603 RE: eric4x #1579

SOLD HALF UVXY, $11.99 at market price.*

Well, it's back up now. At least I'm still holding the other half, but I might have trouble selling it later.*

I tried to act quickly on this, but I had a few problems. The sale went through at 09:34:49 AM. I am dividing my shares in part to deal with the problem of settlement dates. The plan is to always have half of my shares ready to sell, because the funds would have been settled. But the broker's website insists on warning me that I bought with unsettled funds AFTER the funds have been settled. I had a placeholder order on this block to sell at a high price, with the intention of changing it as needed. I was hoping their software would be able to handle the fact that this block of shares was settled. But still I got the warning, presumably because of the other half I just bought back. And besides, today is the settlement date on the funding sale for the OTHER half. So I should be in the clear to sell that today as well.*

There was no warning on this block of shares when I first placed the sell order. All I did today was to change it from a limit order to a market order, and this warning came up.*

I have been struggling with Windows 8, and all of the strange problems it has with the filing system. I get the impression that computer software is designed by "morons." Don't these people use their own software, to see how ridiculous it is? Don't they care how miserable they are making their customers?*

When I was asked if I had any problems using the broker's website, I mentioned this problem with the settlement dates. They said, "Well, you could call us on the telephone to ask if it's okay to sell." Really? I don't want to have to call them on the telephone, because I'm afraid of what might get said. I don't want to get into an argument with them. I just want them to provide accurate information. Is that too much to ask?*

Even now, they might be red-flagging my sell order for some special investigation. And when I look at the numbers on my "funds available," they always get it wrong. First of all, they count the fee as "funds available," even after I committed to spending it on a buy order. And it isn't unusual for all of the numbers to be "behind the times" from my last trade.*

The point is that they provide lousy service, but they are very courteous and friendly about it. At least, until I complain about the lousy service!*

And I'm sure every other broker has similar problems, because nothing works the way it's supposed to.*