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02/23/13 7:20 AM

#198663 RE: F6 #198662

about 2/3 down i was surprised the researchers were

New Study Links Childhood Bullying to Adult Psychological Disorders, Surprising Even the Study's Authors

as i thought every interested adult by now was aware of
much earlier research that indicates violence has lasting effects.

Great post, F6 .. it's content should be seen as a wake-up call .. it's dismal
tone had me wondering what painting it could be beside .. this one will do ..

4. Guernica
Inspired by the bombing of Guernica, Spain, during the Spanish Civil War, Pablo Picasso completed this most famous piece, Guernica, in 1937. This piece was originally commissioned by the Spanish government and intended to depict the suffering of war and ultimately stand as symbol for peace.

IMG SOURCE: Artchive

The rest are amazing, too ..


02/23/13 7:26 PM

#198671 RE: F6 #198662

Little Statesmen and Philosophers

By Paul Krugman
February 23, 2013, 11:38 am

So, people want me to comment on the Moody’s downgrade of Britain [ ]. No real news there. As a guide to the future, ratings agency judgments are literally worse than useless; remember, US bond yields actually fell after the 2011 S&P downgrade. Still, it’s kind of a poke in the eye for Cameron/Osborne, who are subjecting their country to pointless austerity because confidence!

But they won’t change course; basically, they can’t, for careerist reasons. And that’s the story of a lot of what’s going on now.

Ralph Waldo Emerson understood this. The original version of his famous quote [ ] — I had forgotten this — reads:

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.

I don’t know about the divines bit, but the little statesmen thing is completely accurate. Suppose George Osborne were to admit that austerity isn’t working. What, then, would be left of his claim to be qualified to do, well, anything? He has to stick it out until something turns up, no matter how many lives it destroys.

Pretty much the same thing is going on among pundits now stuck in what Jonathan Chait [ (the 2/22/13 piece; that one and one of Chait's 2/20/13 pieces linked in the post to which this is a reply)] memorably calls the “fever swamp of the center”. Suppose that some pundit who has spent his whole career calling for bipartisanship, a compromise between the extremes of left and right, were to admit the plain fact that Obama is very much a centrist, who is in particular proposing deficit reduction through exactly the kind of mix of tax hikes and spending cuts “centrist” pundits demand — and that the GOP, by contrast, is an extremist organization whose extremism is almost solely responsible for the bitterness of the partisan divide. A pundit making that admission would in effect be saying that everything he has said and done for the past several years was not just useless but harmful, actively misleading readers about the state of the debate. He just can’t do it.

The point is that a large part of the reason we’re locked into such a mess is careerism. And yes, that’s quite vile, if you think about it: politicians and pundits alike letting the world burn — probably unconsciously, but still — because their personal position would be hurt if they admitted to past mistakes.

© 2013 The New York Times Company [with comments]


02/23/13 10:28 PM

#198675 RE: F6 #198662

So, North Korea Phoned the U.S. and Didn't Have Anything Nice to Say

Connor Simpson 8,507 Views 12:48 PM ET

t's rare that our friends from North Korea actually pick up the phone and give the ol' U.S. a call. But according to reports in their local media that's exactly what they did. Oh, and did we mention it was to warn the U.S. they would meet a "miserable destruction"?

According to a news report from the North Korean Central News Agency, as translated by Reuters [ ] and the Associated Press, [ ] Pak Rim-su, the "chief delegate of the North Korean military mission to the inter-Korean truce village of Panmunjom," called the head of the U.S. forces stationed in South Korea, Gen. James Thurman, to warn him against participating in upcoming scheduled military drills with South Korea.

Starting on March 1, 10,000 U.S. troops are participating in land, sea and air maneuvering drills with 200,000 South Korean troops. Starting on March 11, 3,500 U.S. troops will participate in separate war simulation drills with South Korean troops.

North Korea isn't excited about the idea. "If your side ignites a war of aggression by staging the reckless joint military this dangerous time, from that moment your fate will be hung by a thread with every hour," Pak reportedly told Thurman, according to the North Koreans. "You had better bear in mind that those igniting a war are destined to meet a miserable destruction." Sounds like it was a pleasant little chat. So cheery and welcoming, those North Koreans.

Usually when North Korea wants to say something like this they just release a news report through the KCNA with whatever quotes they want to push, so if the phone call actually occurred it might be a big deal. But the U.S. has yet to confirm the conversation ever happened. There's a good chance North Korea is blowing smoke through a phone with no one on the other end.

Though, it should be noted, a "miserable destruction" is at least slightly better than the "final destruction" North Korea threatened on South Korea [ ] during a U.N. nuclear debate earlier this week. North Korea really needs to expand its threat repertoire. All joking aside, this is, of course, still fresh off the successful nuclear test [ ] the country conducted. They tried to say it was a negotiating tactic with the U.S., but that was kind of dumb, [ ] and then all of a sudden their nuclear site was getting busy [ ] again.


02/24/13 10:38 AM

#198697 RE: F6 #198662

Ted Cruz Responds: Harvard Law Was Full of Communists

Photograph by Chris Maddaloni/CQ Roll Call/Getty

Posted by Jane Mayer
February 23, 2013

Senator Ted Cruz has responded to The New Yorker’s report [ (about one-sixth of the way down in the post to which this is a reply; and also in particular open and view the two Maddow Show segments immediately following it)] that he accused Harvard Law School of having had “twelve” Communists who “believed in the overthrow of the U.S. Government” on its faculty when he attended in the early nineties. Cruz doesn’t deny that he said this; instead, through his spokesman, he says he was right: Harvard Law was full of Communists.

His spokeswoman Catherine Frazier told The Blaze [ ] website that the “substantive point” in Cruz’s charge, made in a speech in 2010, “was absolutely correct.”

She went on to explain that “the Harvard Law School faculty included numerous self-described proponents of ‘critical legal studies’—a school of thought explicitly derived from Marxism—and they far outnumbered Republicans.” As my story noted, the Critical Legal Studies group consisted of left-leaning professors like Duncan Kennedy, who is a social democrat, not a Communist, and has never “believed in the overthrow of the U.S. Government.”

Among those who have taken issue with Cruz’s castigation of the Harvard Law School faculty are his former law professor, Charles Fried, who is a well-known Republican and former Solicitor General to Ronald Reagan. In his 2010 speech, Cruz had said there was only “one” Republican on the faculty, but his former professor, Fried, told The New Yorker there were at least four, including himself. A spokesman for Harvard Law School, Robb London, also described the school as “puzzled” by Cruz’s allegations.

Cruz’s spokesman called it “curious” that The New Yorker would cover Cruz’s speech “three years” after he gave it. But Cruz’s hostile questioning of Obama’s nominee for Defense Secretary, Chuck Hagel, and insinuations about Hagel’s loyalties had provided a fresh context for looking more closely at the nature of the accusations he has leveled at political opponents. Observers like Senator Barbara Boxer wondered if they were seeing a revival of McCarthyism. Judging from Cruz’s speech—and, now, his defense of it—it’s a good question.

© 2013 Condé Nast [with comments]


a new condition Harvard Law School will have to meet if they hope to ever receive any contributions/gifts from me -- revoke and cancel Cruz's degree, and expunge him in the grand old Harvard tradition (meaning there would remain not so much as a single mention or shred of evidence in any Harvard document or record that Cruz so much as ever existed, let alone ever applied there, let alone was ever admitted, let alone ever attended so much as a single class there, let alone ever graduated)


02/25/13 6:00 AM

#198714 RE: F6 #198662

Tim Tebow Attacked By American Family Association For Canceling Anti-Gay Church Appearance
By Cavan Sieczkowski
Posted: 02/22/2013 2:33 pm EST | Updated: 02/22/2013 6:07 pm EST

The American Family Association (AFA) attacked NFL player Tim Tebow for canceling an appearance at an anti-gay church, claiming that he "caved" to the "liberal media" [ (above, as embedded)] and has lost his "street cred." Readers, in turn, slammed the conservative group for its response.

It all started when news surfaced on Feb. 14 that Tebow was scheduled to speak in April at First Baptist Church of Dallas [ ], a Texas megachurch led by senior pastor Robert Jeffress and known for anti-gay, anti-Catholic, anti-Semitic rhetoric. An uproar ensued, and Tebow announced on Feb. 21 that he had cancelled the appearance [ ] due to "new information" brought to his attention.

After the Jets player nixed the gig, the AFA took to its One News Now website and Twitter (with the hashtage #TebowCaves) [ ] to bash Tebow for ostensibly crumbling under media pressure [ ], David Badash from The New Civil Rights Movement reports. But once readers began criticizing the AFA's argument, the group allegedly took down the piece and refocused it.

Via The New Civil Rights Movement:

Last night, the article had well over 200 comments, the vast majority of them slamming not Tim Tebow, but the American Family Association and the head of its One News Now “news” website, Tim Wildmon.

The readers were so angry that One News Now removed the story [ ] (note the “404? not found) and republished it, drastically changing the focus [ ] from trying to create a Frankensteinian peoples’ villager burning of Tim Tebow, to one claiming “This was more of a story about the bullying by the media.”

Still, prominent AFA members maintain that Tebow has wronged Christians [ ].

AFA spokesman and "Focal Point" radio program host Bryan Fischer posted a lengthy diatribe against Tebow on his Facebook page on Thursday, alleging that the cancellation diminishes the football player's "street cred with the Christian community."

Writes Fischer:

If Tebow does not in fact disagree with Jeffress on any of these points, then his decision looks like nothing more than craven capitulation to the nattering nabobs of negativism and intolerance ... Tebow has established his street cred with the evangelical community by being unapologetic and unwavering in his faith. If his NFL career washes out, this street cred with the Christian community is all he has left. He is squandering that enormous reservoir of goodwill and admiration as we speak, by taking a knee rather than stepping up in the pocket.

Commenters criticized Fischer for damaging Tebow's evangelical message and asked why such a hateful church like First Baptist deserves respect.

Still, Jeffress claims Tebow never cancelled [ ] his appearance at First Baptist Church of Dallas. In an interview with the AFA's Tim Wildmon [ (next below)],
Jeffress said that Tebow has merely rescheduled the speech to a later date once the controversy blows overs, Right Wing Watch reports.

Jeffress' inflammatory preachings have made headlines for the past 15 years.

In 1998, he checked out all books from the Wichita Library that included gay parents [ ] and refused to return them, The Advocate notes. He called homosexuality "filthy" and "degrading" [ ] in a 2008 speech, titled "Gay Is Not OK." In 2010, he claimed Islam is a religion that "promotes pedophilia [ ]." During the 2012 presidential election he advised his congregation to vote against Mitt Romney and claimed Mormonism is a "cult [ ]."

(Hat tip, Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters [ ( )])

Copyright © 2013, Inc. [with comments]


Jeffress: Gays Brainwashing America
Uploaded on Oct 11, 2011 by RWWBlog

Robert Jeffress cites the anti-gay group NARTH to argue that gays are brainwashing America.


Jeffress: Gays Can't Be Monogamous
Uploaded on Oct 11, 2011 by RWWBlog

Robert Jeffress misrepresents a Dutch study to claim that gays can't have monogamous, long-term relationships


Jeffress: Voting For Obama Is "Asking For God's Judgment On Our Country"
Published on Oct 25, 2012 by RWWBlog

Robert Jeffress says America is engaged in "high-handed sins" and that re-electing Barack Obama will brings God's judgment upon America.


Fischer: Obama Is An Antichrist
Published on Feb 8, 2013 by RWWBlog

Bryan Fischer declares that President Obama is an antichrist.


Megachurch Pastor: Obama Re-Election "Reign of the Antichrist"
Published on Nov 14, 2012 by MidweekPolitics

Texas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress indicated that President Obama's reelection would lead to the "reign of the antichrist," and we wonder whether this is a political-enough statement to meet the threshold for having his church's tax exemption removed.


Published on Nov 12, 2012 by RantWithJeff

Read more at . He also claims 70 percent of gay people in the USA have aids and that Mormons are a cult, even though he supported Mitt Romney.


Mike Malloy exposes the crazy Dallas pastor who hosted Tim Tebow
Published on Feb 20, 2013 by andrewsaccount09

February 15, 2013, hour 1, segment 3, topic 2. Mike Malloy comments on a report that Tim Tebow is to speak at a Dallas megachurch headed by a controversial homophobic pastor. Source:


"First Baptist Dallas is an approximately 11,000-member church led by senior pastor Robert Jeffress, an evangelical Christian who has built up quite a reputation for himself in circles among the religious right.

In October 2011, Jeffress endorsed Texas Governor Rick Perry for president, then went on to claim that Islam and Mormonism are heretical religions "from the pit of hell," and "you can't be saved being a Jew."

On the eve of the presidential election in November 2012, Jeffress warned his Dallas congregation that President Barack Obama's re-election would "lead to the rise of the Antichrist," according to The Christian Post.

Jeffress photo:


Robert Jeffress: Bill Maher, Mormons, and America's Demise (LIFE Today)
Published on Mar 14, 2012 by lifetodaytv

The pastor of First Baptist Dallas and author of "Twilight's Last Gleaming" talks about his controversial views and the sociopolitical issues impacting our culture.


Ben Allen And Justin Hudgins, Texas Gay Couple, Says Wedding Venue Turned Them Down
A Texas-based gay couple is crying foul after they say they were turned down by a reception venue who refused to host their forthcoming wedding.
As WFAA News 8 reports [ ], Ben Allen and Justin Hudgins hoped to book a reception for 150 guests at the All Occasion Party Place near Fort Worth. But the couple says they were told by phone and email that the venue wouldn't host a same-sex wedding.
“It is because of God that I will not be a part in your reception, and I know he loves you, but not what you are doing,” All Occasion Party Place employee Robin Hearne is quoted by the news channel as having written to Hudgins in an e-mail. “I simply said I can not rent to you which is also my right.”
[...] [with comments]


Spirited Debate with Nick Fish and Dr. Robert Jeffress
Published on Dec 15, 2012 by Nick Fish's "Spirited Debate" with Lauren Green, talking about the tragedy in Newtown, CT and the "War on Christmas". From American Atheists, Nick Fish and from First Baptist Dallas, Dr. Robert Jeffress. Recorded on Friday, December 14, 2012.


Mitt Romney Gets Ass Handed to Him by Gay Veteran in New Hampshire
Published on Dec 16, 2011 by MidweekPolitics

Mitt Rommey gets confronted by a gay veteran while campaigning in New Hampshire.


Austin congregation dissents on denomination’s stand on homosexuality

The Rev. John Wright and his wife, the Rev. Barbara Ruth, are co-pastors at First United Methodist Church. First United voted this month to join the Reconciling Ministries Network, which is pushing to change the denomination’s position that homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching.
Ralph Barrera

The Rev. John Wright and his wife, the Rev. Barbara Ruth, are co-pastors at First United Methodist Church. First United voted this month to join the Reconciling Ministries Network, which is pushing to change the denomination’s position that homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching.‘In our judgment, the church policy is incompatible with the Christian Gospel,’ says the Rev. John Wright, co-pastor of First United Methodist Church of Austin.
Ralph Barrera

‘In our judgment, the church policy is incompatible with the Christian Gospel,’ says the Rev. John Wright, co-pastor of First United Methodist Church of Austin.
Ralph Barrera

By Juan Castillo
American-Statesman Staff
Posted: 6:08 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 23, 2013

First United Methodist Church of Austin has joined a national group trying to change the denomination’s position that homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching.

First United voted earlier this month to join the Chicago-based Reconciling Ministries Network, which has more than 500 United Methodist churches, including a handful in Central Texas, plus campus ministries and associated groups. The network advocates changing parts of the denomination’s Book of Discipline dealing with homosexuality to be welcoming to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender church members.

The Book of Discipline contains church doctrine. It prohibits the ordination of self-avowed homosexuals and forbids ministers to conduct gay marriage ceremonies or bless same-sex unions. The denomination’s general assembly reaffirmed its positions on homosexuality last May.

First United is the oldest and one of the largest United Methodist churches in Austin, and local supporters of the reconciling network say the move could push other churches to consider joining.

First United Methodist’s pastor, the Rev. John Wright, said congregation members decided they could no longer be silent, because silence implied consent to denomination policies on homosexuality.

“We have to stand up and say, ‘This is wrong, and we need to change it,’” Wright said. “In our judgment, the church policy is incompatible with the Christian Gospel. It’s not the other way around.”

Wright said a “super majority,” at least 75 percent, of the 357 church members present for a church conference vote approved a motion to join the network.

First United Methodist, at 1201 Lavaca St., has about 1,800 members, Wright said. Based on average weekly attendance, it is believed to be the sixth-largest church in the national network, said the Rev. Andy Oliver, a spokesman for the network and a pastor with the Florida conference of the United Methodist Church.

First United is the fifth United Methodist church in Austin to join the network and the largest of them. Others are Trinity United Methodist, University United Methodist, Grace United Methodist and St. Luke United Methodist. Journey of Faith United Methodist in Round Rock is also a member.

In 1992, Trinity United became the first United Methodist church in the Austin area to join the reconciling network. The church’s pastor then and now, the Rev. Sid Hall, called First United’s decision a momentous step because he said it could lead other United Methodist congregations on the fence to join the network. “It’s like a big ship that leaves a big wake,” Hall said.

Until now, Austin churches in the network “had a reputation of being out there and progressive on social issues,” Hall said. But First United, though it is heavily involved in homeless ministry and social justice causes, is seen as having “more diversity in terms of theology and style,” Hall added. “So to take that kind of stance is a little different than churches known as being activist.”

With an estimated 7.5 million members in the United States in 2011, the United Methodist Church is the second largest Protestant denomination in the nation. As with other Christian denominations, homosexuality is controversial within the church. Wright said about 10 families left First United as a result of its decision. He said that the congregation has had discussions about homosexuality for more than two decades and that this month’s vote came after six months of study and meetings.

Wright said the church will not perform gay weddings and will continue to abide by current church law.

The United Methodist Church’s General Conference is the body that votes on changes to the Book of Discipline. Its next meeting is in 2016.

© 2013 Cox Media Group [with comments]


UK cardinal contests 'inappropriate' acts claims

A Thursday Sept. 16, 2010 photo from files showing Cardinal Keith Patrick O'Brien speaking to the media in Edinburgh, Scotland. Roman Catholic priests should be allowed to marry and have children, Britain's most senior Catholic cleric said Friday, Feb. 22, 2013. Cardinal Keith O'Brien, who heads the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland, said the requirement for priestly celibacy is "not of divine origin" and could be reconsidered. He told BBC Scotland that "the celibacy of the clergy, whether priests should marry _ Jesus didn't say that."
Scott Campbell, File / AP Photo

Posted on Sunday, 02.24.13

LONDON -- The Vatican is looking into allegations of "inappropriate behavior" by Cardinal Keith O'Brien, Britain's most senior Catholic cleric, officials said Sunday. The claims came at a sensitive time, as O'Brien and other cardinals prepare for a conclave to choose the next pope.

O'Brien, who heads the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland, was taking advice from lawyers after British newspaper The Observer reported that three priests and a former priest have filed complaints to the Vatican alleging that the cardinal approached them in an inappropriate manner.

The paper did not cite the names of the priests, but it said their allegations date back to the 1980s.

"Cardinal O'Brien contests these claims and is taking legal advice," Peter Kearney, a spokesman for the Scottish Catholic Church, said. He declined to comment further.

A Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said the complaints had been channeled through the office of the papal nuncio - the Vatican's ambassador - in London. ''The pope has been informed, and the question is in his hands," Lombardi said.

In the coming weeks, O'Brien, 74, is expected to join a conclave of cardinals at the Vatican to elect the next pontiff, following the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI. Benedict announced earlier this month that he will step down on Thursday - the first pope to resign in some 600 years.

O'Brien has not been the only cardinal to become embroiled in negative news as the papal election approaches. Across the Atlantic, thousands of people have signed a petition to keep California Cardinal Roger Mahony from the conclave because of revelations he had shielded sexually abusive priests.

Mahony has made it clear he will attend the gathering and that no one can force him to recuse himself.

In comments on the papacy made to the BBC on Friday, O'Brien said the next pope would be free to consider changing church policy on issues that were not "basic dogmatic beliefs." He said he believed that the requirement for priestly celibacy is not "of divine origin" and could be reconsidered.

O'Brien also said it was time to think seriously about having a pope from outside Europe. He said he would be "open to a pope from anywhere if I thought it was the right man, whether it was Europe or Asia or Africa or wherever."

The cardinal is due to retire when he turns 75 in March.

Copyright 2013 The Associated Press


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02/25/13 7:36 AM

#198718 RE: F6 #198662

The "Perry Donor Package"

Ben Sargent
Sunday, February 17, 2013

© 2013 Cox Media Group


Schools in Texas, Part 1

Ben Sargent
Sunday, January 27, 2013.

© 2013 Cox Media Group


Schools in Texas, Part 2

Ben Sargent
Sunday, February 24, 2013.

© 2013 Cox Media Group

Essence Of Wealth

02/27/13 1:53 AM

#198837 RE: F6 #198662

Another staged production to get sympathy towards these Criminals Leland Yeethat that are Hell-Bent on Gun Control which is actually just one word . . . CONTROL!!!
To Hell with this LIAR.

The local state senator's life was threatened recently, and homemade explosives and a loaded firearm were found in the suspect's home this week.

February 15, 2013

REDWOOD CITY, CA -- State Sen. Leland Yee said Thursday that a death threat against him that led to the arrest of a Santa Clara County man [ ] will not deter him from moving forward with gun control proposals in the Legislature.

At a news conference at the State Building in San Francisco Thursday morning, Yee said the incident "only further demonstrates the need to address this particular problem."


02/27/13 12:23 PM

#198861 RE: F6 #198662

Federal Appeals Court: There Is No Second Amendment Right To A Concealed Firearm

By Ian Millhiser on Feb 27, 2013 at 10:30 am

A panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, which included a Reagan and a George W. Bush appointee, held unanimously on Friday that the Second Amendment does not protect a right to carry a concealed firearm: [ ]

The Heller opinion notes that, “[l]ike most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited. From Blackstone through the 19th-century cases, commentators and courts routinely explained that the right was not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.” As an example of the limited nature of the Second Amendment right to keep and carry arms, the Court observed that “the majority of the 19th-century courts to consider the question held that prohibitions on carrying concealed weapons were lawful under the Second Amendment or state analogues.” And the Court stressed that “nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions.”

There can be little doubt that bans on the concealed carrying of firearms are longstanding. In Heller, the Supreme Court cited several early cases in support of the statement that most nineteenth century courts approved of such prohibitions. We note, however, that this view was not unanimous. Nevertheless, “[m]ost states enacted laws banning the carrying of concealed weapons” in the nineteenth century.

It should be noted that the court left open the question of whether a concealed carry ban is permitted in a jurisdiction that also bans open carry of firearms. Nevertheless, this decision is a reminder that, despite the Supreme Court’s decision in Heller expanding the scope of the Second Amendment, states and the federal government retain broad leeway to enact many gun safety laws. [ ]


02/27/13 12:45 PM

#198862 RE: F6 #198662

Black Lawmaker Receives Death Threat Over Gun Bill: ‘There Will Be Blood! I’m Coming For You, N—–’

By Ian Millhiser on Feb 26, 2013 at 3:29 pm

Franklin Sain, who allegedly
threatened to kill state Rep.
Rhonda Fields (D-CO)

Late last week, police arrested a man for allegedly sending threatening messages to Colorado state Rep. Rhonda Fields (D), a supporter of gun safety laws[ ] featured in a recent ThinkProgress video. Fields sponsored bills banning high-capacity magazines in Colorado and requiring universal background checks for gun sales and transfers.

According to police, a man named Franklin Sain sent six emails, one voicemail and one written letter to Fields that were riddled with obscenities, racial slurs, sexist language and violent threats: [ ]

“I guarantee there is not enough law enforcement or military to stop an all-out overthrow of this government if you or that n—– president tries to take our guns,” one e-mail dated Feb. 13 reads. “Guarantee we will make World War I and II look like child’s play, many will die. Be prepared.”

Another e-mail expresses hope that someone would “Giffords” both Fields and Rep. Beth McCann, a reference to the 2011 mass shooting that nearly killed Arizona Rep. Gabby Giffords.

The paper letter attributed to Sain states, “There will be blood! I’m coming for you, n—– b—–.” “Limiting magazine sizes is stupid and will not work,” he wrote on Feb. 13. “I for one have 100+ 30 round mags and 150 round drums. I will never give those up and I am far from being some whack job.” In an email to Fields the following day, Sain wrote: “I ordered a ton of new 30 round magazines today C***bag…go f*** yourself and your new law…we won’t abide by it…C*** N*****.”

Before she joined the legislature, Fields’ own son was shot and killed [ ] as he waited to testify against a gang member.

Bolding is TPs

So many liars around ... ;) yeesh!