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02/22/13 9:53 AM

#22088 RE: TIMBERWOLF #22086

But MEXP is not a real company. If they had an IR department (yuck, yuck) it would not be real either.


02/22/13 10:02 AM

#22089 RE: TIMBERWOLF #22086

I'm sure IR would have saved everyone from this AWS debacle. lol..You do know Mark Kabbash released these precious tidbits to shareholders, no?

"MEXP has modified its transaction with Atmospheric water Solutions (AWS) in order for AWS to have access to additional capital"


"the company has agreed to allow AWS to seek additional capital by restructuring our equity position"

That's right, Shane, Right at the bottom of that PR was this name:

Mark Kabbash

So sure call him right up to get more CLEAR and ACCURATE data.


Yeah, never call investor relations if your thinking about investing in a company... I mean, why would ya? That just doesn't make any sense.. LMAO

DJ Ponder

02/22/13 12:14 PM

#22100 RE: TIMBERWOLF #22086

ROFLMAO, I/R is paid to convince others to buy stock.
I prefer to get my information from independent outside sources. Never contacted mexp's paul giarmello or mark kabbash or anyone else at the company for that matter and determined mexp was a scam.

But then again I am not an INVESTOR. Good luck shane in your non reporting, multi billion share float, no bid, pink sheet INVESTMENTS.

An even quicker PATH TO POVERTY.