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02/22/13 8:31 AM

#3717 RE: Joe Stocks #3716

One's mind is like a camera, it sees what one points it at. Focus on the ugly and that's what one will see. Nice picture, did you draw that yourself?

For a fine person such as me, these stocks are fine, up 800%. I like the picture I see. Do you?

If not, may I respectfully suggest a different path, perhaps one with shrubbery might be better suited to your risk/reward profile, for example, Chinese Internet offerings. Now there's a good business.

As for price movement, it does feel as if it could just be the run up to earnings but we have different news since August and so it feels different to me; talk of plans by professional talkers, post-election resolve (or not), different poeple coming 'round here telling us we suck and things are bad, etc., oh, I could go on.... Time will tell. If one is nervous, there are plenty of buyers right now, MMs or otherwise.


02/22/13 10:25 AM

#3719 RE: Joe Stocks #3716

Sticks and stones may break our bones, but they are not particularly logical.


02/22/13 10:36 AM

#3720 RE: Joe Stocks #3716

let's see who all these fine people and groups are:
* The Mortgage Bankers Association
a bunch of banks
* The Housing Policy Council,
a bunch of banks
* Researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and
a bunch of banks
* Jim Millstein
has appeared on tv regularly since 2009 as the guy who saved earth from skyfall. i can find nothing about this guy since 2010 or 2011.prior to that, he saved AIG, and probably GS, by giving them a ton of money, and no strings.

in their report, due on feb 25, they will declare they are all in favor of screwing the banks????