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02/22/13 11:37 AM

#5408 RE: agribusiness72 #5407

Given the company's track record, he's probably going to have to find a complete stranger who doesn't know what due diligence is or just enjoys betting against long odds to fund his plans going forward. I doubt he has the credibility with banks or private capital in Western Canada to raise any significant funds there.

I've been following the company for three years. I don't see it as a P&D. I see a one-man show where the "management team" is in over its head, has been for some time, and has no independent Board of Directors to exercise some control on behalf of the shareholders. I wasted a lot of time and energy pointing that out, and pointing out what shareholders could do about it in posts on the CPOW investors web site, got no responses, finally gave up and reduced my small position to a much smaller one.

I'm still in this company at all because I see the Chinese moving out into the rest of the world to find the food resources they need to feed their population, and I see them investing in western Canada. So I do see the faintest glimmer of possibility for the JV. Also, I do like to bet against long odds on occasion.