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11/13/05 10:49 PM

#1170 RE: roguedolphin #1165

rouge please refrain from posting conspiracy nutjob post on this board. I'm fine talking about Skull and Bones here if the news or articles can provide insight into market movements.

Are national voting systems rigged? There is a strong chance of it. Should I start ranting across the Internet about it? No. It's crazy and a waste of my time.

Do world leaders assassinate each other and put in place puppet politicians and lackey governments? Yes there is a good chance of it. It's basically a keeping up with the Joneses, only the Joneses yard is the size of a small continent. He borrows your lawn mower, you sleep with his wife he mows over your family dog, his drunk teenager runs his car into your house.

I'm not at a point financially that I can power broker at a national scale. I don't know anyone personally that can. But I do find it interesting when certain parties know each other on more that business levels and I know in advance of any announcements. Yes Gov. Taft of Ohio is the descendant of a founding member of S&B and a former President. I'm sure that provides his certain advantages and favors with some individuals.

I do the same thing with local companies and individuals myself. I maintan friendly relationships with people that provides me favors and discounts if I return thsoe favors and discounts myself. I mean how does anyone ever get wealthy doing anything else. The rat race is all about getting ahead and if you can get services for free or discounted, then you have an advantage over the competition.

If you do reply to this post I would like you to rebutte this comment regarding your comment about fascism.

How do we make money off of a loss of liberty and a rise of a Fascist Nation State??

I take it you dislike fascism. But I preset the definition of Fascism as per Webster:

"A political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition"

Now if you work for or own a company, I ask you, what form of governance do you use to maintain the operations of that company? Is it a democracy? Do you put up corporate operations to a ballot? Or is there a centralized figurehead or executive that is ultimately responsible for all decision making at that company? Does he impose his judgment and chooses his advisors and vice executives? If your company is public, does it have a board of directors who has wrestle control and voting power of the company from the owners and now wield control of it.

Democracy, or what the US thinks is democracy usually drives a company into the ground. Do you put a Union in control of the Board of Directors? LOL Everyone would be making $50/hour despite that the revenues can't even support half of those operation expenses (see GM and Ford).

Fascism is very prevalent in your everyday world yet it has been canned and processed for you to enjoy and become loyal to. No American dares call his employer a Fascist corporation less they are a hypocrite and provide labor to them in exchange of corporate\state compensation for their hours.

Fascism is one of many forms of government. Each is not better than any other as they are all easily corrupted at various levels and stages. The US was able to hold up much longer because their Republic is complicated with so many forms of government at so many different levels that it is financially inefficient to because to acquire and maintain control of the whole. But as it seems market capitalization of some companies has grown to such levels that in another 2 to 3 decades we may see a point where even the US (Federal, State, Local) can be bought and paid for in its entirety. We can only hope that the US government becomes so big and complicated that it can keep up with the growth rate of these large market cap conglomerates. Small government is for the narrow minded who cannot envision complex and massive structures. Small governments are easily wiped out through military or financial operations.

Reflect on it.