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10 bagger

11/13/05 1:05 AM

#649 RE: back2basics #647

Now I find myself in dog fight and I really don't see any reason for it....

Back2basics wrote..
Personally, I don't give a crap if cynical I-Hub regulars believe me or not. Frankly, I hope they don't.

From 10bagger: "A better service to investors would be to boycott this board and make the company release information that is factual,"Personally, I don't give a crap if cynical I-Hub regulars believe me or not. Frankly, I hope they don't.

You're kidding, right? Do you really believe boycotting this board will influence Dial one iota?

I can't defend GFCI's peculiar way keeping investors informed. I didn't put a lot of money in GFCI because I saw them as a slick PR outfit. I did it because I know the oil field and oil field tools GFCI is ABSOLUTELY on the right track to become a player in the industry.

10bagger, you want a boycott? You won me over. I'll not post another shred of my DD on I-Hub. I-Hub regulars can read Dr. Bill, lentiman, 10bagger, and jtomm to glean the kind info they yearn for. I'll be back to call those that make what I see as distortions. Se you on RB for real DD.

B2B,,I don't even have a dog in this fight,, Sold all my shares long ago.. No one has ever critizied your right to explain or relay information on GFCI.. Your expertise in the oil patch is well documented and I will take that on face value as being true.. Your analysis of GFCI is also the opinion of many and that has come from experence or having reliable sources.. In most instances this is enough for any DD.. But in the case of a company that acquires a shell and uses the shell paper to acquire other companies,,, It would be prudent for all the mergers have a paper trail.. As of yet other than the first release touting earnings none with any numbers have appeared.. We hear about purchase of common made by the company and outside investors yet no fillings have been made on either.. we hear of companies being acquired but no fillings have appeared..8k's,13d's?? We hear of possible problems with the shell that was merged into but not even a filling of the merger has appeared.. The products or services of GFCI may be all as they say but they might not of yet be the property of the company of which you are a shareholder... If they were a filling should of been made if for no other reason than to show exchange of ownership.. Sure this is a pinkie but with the numbers that were in the first release explaining the structure of GFCI, this pinkie is approaching 100 mil in sales per year... A company of that size should at least be on someone's radar screen or at least made a filling some where.. As of yet I'm still from MO... where's the beef or in this case where is the evidence from someone other than GFCI or the PR firm that this Mini Conglomerate actually exists... The part's may all be there but so is the Brooklyn Bridge,, Does any one want to buy a bridge??

"Personally, I don't give a crap if cynical I-Hub regulars believe me or not. Frankly, I hope they don't."

B2B,,With this statement I have a dog in the fight.. All of us on these I-hub that pertain to investing in small companies try to help each other,, The dialog on the GFCI board during the past 35 postings were more of a pissing match than a relay of factual information.. Outlandish statements have been made on both sides of the isle about GFCI and I felt a statement or release by GFCI that would support or dispute these pissing matches was needed... To continue spinning yarns about a company that no one has any information in print is dangerous to the value of this or any other forum.. I am sure that GFCI monitors this and any other sources of information on GFCI.. If they can put out a release about an Al Haig show they could find two sentences letting shareholders know how many shares are outstanding... We had a release that gave us a release date for an earnings release.. But maybe a release giving us a release date as to why the last release date on an earnings release was not released would be appricated..Sounds like a release from GFCI.. Since you used some of my post in yours, a quote from that same posting is in order...

" Actually as a contrarian investor it just doesn't get any better than this... A keystone cops movie did not have as many road blocks as the reasons for not presenting investors with finanicals as GFCI.. this just could not of been scripted by any one other than the three stooges and as far as we have been told management is only two deep...It could be that all is true but with out financials, I'm from MO.and what I see just doesn't cut it."
If as you say you have a lot invested I really do wish you luck,, but that in itself is a sad commentary,,, Luck is no reason to invest..