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Arthur Edward Whoof

02/20/13 1:00 PM

#215548 RE: paige386 #215486

You've done all this research....

So if your a company and you have tons and tons of plastic that you can't sell. How much does it cost to haul it away and how
much are the tipping fees for depositing it in a landfill?

It costs less to haul it away and pay the tipping fee than it would cost to extract the plastic in order to recycle it or use it for P2O.

If it was of value and the cost to extract it did not exceed the value of the plastic then there would be companies hauling it away for free or even paying for it.

Or, the collection company would be extracting the plastic and selling it to the recycle market.

Currently neither of those things happen because it is not commercially viable.
It cost more to extract the plastic than it is worth. And, the value it is worth is more than the value of the oil that can be produced from it.

$600-$1500 per ton

Cost to extract the plastic $600-$1000 per ton (based on our own numbers and from the director of one of the largest waste management facilities in our area)

With an average cost of $750 for the recovered plastic (much more of the plastic is at the lower end of the $600-$1500)

and an average cost of recovery of $800


(it is generally cheaper to truck it to the landfill than to a recycler so that cost cancels out)

If the plastic was from a post industrial source and it was already sorted it will no doubt be headed to a recycler for value to the company. Manufacturers that have recycle streams of output plastic are undoubtedly making money off of this valuable waste already and would have no reason to give it away.

Again, here lies the JBI fundamental problem-

Sorted plastic that is needed for the JBI machines have a value of $750.
The oil that can be made from that plastic has a value of $660 (in the best possible case without counting any overhead)

P2O of good, usable, sorted plastic results in a net loss of at least $90 per ton.

Placing unsorted landfill plastic in the JBI machines will cause fouling, damage, downtime, toxins, bad gasses, unreliable fuel output, emission violations and permit violations.

Extracting the landfill plastic will cost JBI at least $800 (especially being new to the game of sorting plastic) for a loss of $140 per ton.

I hope I answered your question paige.