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02/19/13 9:35 AM

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Industrial Hemp and Medical Marijuana Industry Stocks Create Massive Volume As America's Investment Community Rushes To Get In On The Green Rush Industry Explosion
Last update: 2/19/2013 9:32:00 AM
LAS VEGAS, Feb. 19, 2013 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Recent activity in the markets has pushed the industrial hemp and medical marijuana sectors to new heights, setting a record volume for Hemp, Inc. (HEMP). Bruce Perlowin, CEO of Hemp, Inc. (HEMP), apparently has it all covered. "We are in the midst of another industry spike although with this much volume across the board we are now entering a sustained growth curve for this sector of public companies. Within the past 3 weeks alone, there has been close to 3 billion shares traded amongst the industrial hemp and medical marijuana industry, roughly translating into almost $200 million.
This clearly indicates to the investment community that this industry is here to stay and that they want in at the beginning of the next growth curve. Hemp, Inc. (HEMP), the industry leader that led the last growth curve back in 2009 with a 480% increase, is, again, leading the industry in 2013 as its CEO, Bruce Perlowin, predicted. According to Perlowin, the pioneer of the industry, the last spike was only a precursor to what is happening now in an industry that is officially "unstoppable."
This new wave of activity has prompted Hemp, Inc. (HEMP) to step up its focus on one of its newly most profitable divisions "The Industrial Hemp and Medical Marijuana Consulting Company, Inc." Perlowin stated, "I know where all the gold is hidden in this industry, every nuance of business niche, what will work and won't work, what has been tried before and what new ideas and concepts for the industry will fly or fail. When I'm not sure of something, or it's in one of the many areas outside my particular expertise then I know who to go to, who is an expert in this area and who more likely than not will immediately know all the answers or where to find them quickly. Our consulting division is extremely diverse and broad."
"The Industrial Hemp and Medical Marijuana Consulting Company, Inc." pulls industry information from a vast network of specialists that consists of other public industry, public companies' CEOs and networks of experts, bankers, investors, lawyers, other consultants, industry analysts, and non-profits connected to this industry as well as the traditional industry experts in all areas of the various business opportunities the industry presents. As the only CEO of two publicly traded companies in this sector, Perlowin, along with David Tobias (Hemp, Inc.'s President and the only executive officer of two publicly traded companies in this sector) have an unrivaled wealth of knowledge and experience. This culmination of knowledge and experience has even attracted the attention of banks, which want in on the billions of dollars flowing through the public company sector of this industry.
As one of the largest publicly-traded companies of hemp stocks in the United States, by market capitalization, Hemp, Inc. (HEMP) has poised itself as the leader in the industry. The company (Hemp, Inc. (OTC: HEMP)) has been dousing the industrial hemp market with hemp-based products, expanding its divisions and working to complete the spin-off of non-core related subsidiaries. Strategist and CEO of Hemp, Inc. (OTC: HEMP) Bruce Perlowin has also laid out the most powerful and profitable purchasing mechanism in the history of marketing which he calls the "Quantum Economic Purchasing Matrix." This is the next phase of moving from a developmental stage company to an operating company which means a full scale launch under their sales and marketing program. Full implementation of this humanity-serving model is now set for sometime next week, earlier than we expected. (Listen to recorded conference call here.)
This humanity-serving model is no easy feat even for a man who knows every nuance of the industry and who pioneered solutions for the industry such as a tax remittance card. With this card, Hemp, Inc. is able to track all taxes collected, on a daily basis, and remit the proper amount of tax to the proper authorities based upon their requirements. This can be a windfall for state and local governments. Along with the tax remittance card, Hemp, Inc. offers other comprehensive solutions to the industry that covers inventory control which tracks products from seed to sale; educational expos; and seminars to educate entrepreneurs on the shifting laws and realities of the medical marijuana and industrial hemp industry.
While educating consumers on the many uses of industrial hemp, Hemp, Inc. (HEMP) (), is also producing hemp-based products proven to increase the body's overall health and performance. The company boasts HerbaGenix(TM) nutraceuticals (); BasicHemp (), their hemp protein shakes brand; and, custom-branded MJ Lover for Him and MJ Lover for Her () and Re-Load's hemp nutraceuticals () which are derived from a blend of organic nutrients, herbs, and vitamins including hemp extract, and AFA blue-green algae which is known for its healthful effects.
Other products include hemp gemstone candles () made on the Kins Domain; the Eco-Harmony Loyalty Card (); Hemp, Inc.'s flagship website and aged URL () which is the portal for all industrial hemp products and what is quickly becoming the "Amazon" of the industrial hemp industry; hemp and natural fibre clothing () coming Spring 2013; education and media (); and Hemp, Inc.'s Hemp Ambassador program, which Perlowin discussed during's radio interview.
The original founder of Medical Marijuana, Inc., and one of the first leaders promulgating a viable medical marijuana public company which has paved the way for other marijuana stock companies to follow, Bruce Perlowin is indeed a proven innovative, savvy, aggressive entrepreneur and progressive advocate of the medical marijuana and hemp industries. According to Perlowin's son, Aubree Arias, CEO of Compassion Capitol, LLC, his father has, "made great strides in unifying and educating the public about the hemp industry. Before my father took Medical Marijuana, Inc. public, there were no publicly traded corporations in this arena. He had the courage to be a pioneer and risk bringing Medical Marijuana, Inc. into the public equities market. Taking on the stigma associated with hemp has not been an easy road, but he has paved the way, and we are seeing the fruits of that with over a dozen publicly traded entities in this sector. Now we are poised to have Hemp, Inc. () become the 'Amazon' of the hemp world, as we expect rapid growth in the industry."
Last year, in early November, Perlowin was quoted saying, "I foresee another spike after the elections, because there are too many states voting for legalization. Even if a few states pass, it will clearly show the market that this industry has just made a quantum leap forward... approaching that tipping point where this industry experiences an explosive, exponential growth curve. The millions of shares traded in each company of the Fabulous Four clearly indicate that the investment community sees this industry is here to stay and that they want in at the beginning of the next growth curve that any victory in any of the states the elections will bring us," says Perlowin. Last week, the Fabulous Four collectively sold over a quarter of a billion shares.
Over the past week, the top four hemp and marijuana stock companies (Hemp, Inc. (HEMP), GrowLife, Inc. (PHOT), GreenGro, and Medical Marijuana, Inc.) otherwise known as the "Fabulous Four" have seen significant growth. The Fabulous Four currently represents what stock market analysts call a classic bull market, whereby stock prices as a whole move upward for a prolonged period of time. The rate at which those gains occur can vary widely from bull market to bull market. The duration of a bull market, the severity of the falling market that follows, and the time that elapses until the next upturn are also different each time. However, according to Perlowin, this is the beginning of a long-term solid upward trend, as the odds are "in our favor."
Sterling Scott, GrowLife's CEO said, "Our industry sector is experiencing a very strong tail wind from much more favorable public perceptions and the fast pace of regulation reform." Scott went on to explain that, "Expansion and growth are very strong trends today. We think this is because the scale of the opportunity for GrowLife (PHOT) and other Medical Marijuana centric public companies is increasing geometrically. Fund investors and retail investors alike are becoming very interested in our stock and they do not want to be left behind and miss out on solid long term investment opportunities."
Michelle Sides, Esq. of Medical Marijuana, Inc. said, "As the oldest medical marijuana publicly traded company in America, the last 30 days clearly indicate that our industry is moving into hyper drive, attracting investors at an unprecedented rate, up to this point. The entire Fabulous Four hemp and medical marijuana stocks are experiencing the same thing, reminiscent of a explosion. They are all banking on the future and the future is just now coming to the forefront in mainstream America everywhere. Our stock skyrocketed from 10 cents to over 30 cents."
James Haas, CEO of GreenGro Technologies said, "As our industry continues to mature and evolve we are seeing a shift from a wild-west mentality to companies in this industry focusing on solid business fundamentals and long term growth. The top echelon of this nascent industry are delivering extraordinary returns for investors and generating real revenues and profits now, and are positioned well for future growth."
Perlowin also owns stock in the other 3 companies (GrowLife, Inc. (PHOT), GreenGro Technologies, Medical Marijuana, Inc.) and is negotiating to showcase and demonstrate the effectiveness of the advanced growing technologies on his Kin's Domain project in Dolan Springs, Arizona (). This back-to-the-land sustainable movement is where some of Hemp, Inc.'s hemp products are manufactured. Perlowin states, "Hemp, Inc., GrowLife, Inc., GreenGro Technologies, and Medical Marijuana Inc. are the four fastest growing industrial hemp and medical marijuana stocks in the industry so it's only natural that we all work together in a synergistic economic relationship. Perlown further stated, "Whenever anyone asks me where I should invest in this industry, I always point to the Fabulous Four. Spreading your investment portfolio is always a wise decision and it's human nature to do that anyways. I'm in support of the entire industry, not just my own company (Hemp, Inc. (OTC: HEMP)."
"Bruce Perlowin is an interesting character. His journey reminds me of the 'Catch Me If You Can' movie. Bruce grew up at the beginning of this industry as a teenager in South Florida, which at the time became the largest import center for marijuana, in the 60's hippie days. Bruce then moved to California and pioneered a new smuggling route from the west coast of Columbia to the west coast of California and under the Golden Gate Bridge. The media dubbed him 'The King of Pot' and he was featured on the most watched documentary in CNBC history (Marijuana, Inc.: Inside America's Pot Industry) where 34 million viewers watched it the first time it aired. Four years later, it's still airing on a regular basis and Bruce has become somewhat of an icon in this industry, one of the most recognizable and respected personalities in this sector today, reminiscent of the movie 'Catch Me If You Can.'"
Tobias continued, "The story of his heyday as a marijuana smuggler has been retold in the book 'The Golden Gate Smuggling Company - A San Francisco Marijuana Empire' by Brett Douglas and a second book is now in the final editing stages. He's a brilliant entrepreneur and visionary. There are very few people today with the breadth of knowledge of every aspect of this newly emerging billion dollar mainstream industry. A major motion picture on his life as 'The King of Pot' is now moving into high gear concurrent with the industry. A major motion picture would certainly bring massive market awareness to what Bruce Perlowin, the CEO of Hemp, Inc. is doing today." ()
The analogy to the movie Catch Me If You Can fits Perlowin perfectly. His background and in-depth knowledge of the industry, spanning over 4 decades, gives Perlowin insight on the industry and the uncanny ability to provide necessary solutions. He is considered the go-to person in the industry. But for Perlowin, it's not only about the stocks. He has proved to be quite the philanthropist.
Perlowin donates to Dr. Patch Adams of Gesundheit! Institute who is building a 50 million dollar, free hospital in West Virginia. The institute is a not-for-profit health care organization and is a project in holistic medical care based on the belief that one cannot separate the health of the individual from the health of the family, the community, the world, and the health care system itself (see ). Other efforts Perlowin donates prolifically to include the Cash Hyde Foundation Fundraiser with Tommy Chong (); The Cando Kids Project (); C Bar J Horsehaven Rescue, in Dolan Springs, Arizona (); Spread Peace USA - Feeding the Homeless (); Keepers of the Wild, to build an 1,800 acre animal sanctuary and Kins Community on 4,000 acres in Dolan Springs, Arizona (); The Twilight Brigade, serving our dying veterans so none of our veterans will ever die alone (), Agape International Spiritual Center (), Help Worldwide Foundation, creating funding options for charities (), the Seva Foundation to be fully human, we must translate our compassion and concern into useful service () and others.
ABOUT Hemp, Inc.Hemp, Inc. (HEMP) focuses on the vast market created by the quickly emerging, and growing, multibillion dollar industrial hemp industry. Hemp, Inc. is not involved in the cultivation or marketing of medical marijuana. It is the company's belief that legalization of hemp in all 50 states and at the federal level will come to pass. With that in mind, the company is building infrastructure with the potential to gain substantial market share before and after industrial hemp prohibition ends. (Pending any federal licensing or other requirements, that may be enacted after hemp prohibition ends).
Hemp, Inc.'s TRIPLE BOTTOM LINEHemp, Inc. (HEMP) seeks to benefit many constituencies, not exploit or endanger any group of them. Thus, the publicly-traded company believes in "upstreaming" of a portion of profit from the marketing of their finished hemp goods back to its originator, in which most cases will one day be the American farmer, cultivating natural, sustainable products. By Hemp, Inc. focusing on comprehensive investment results--that is, with respect to performance along the interrelated dimensions of people, planet, and profits-- our triple bottom line approach can be an important tool to support sustainability goals.
CEO of Hemp, Inc., Bruce Perlowin, positioned the company as a leader in the industrial hemp industry, with a social and environmental mission at its core. In fact, he wanted to, consciously, found a business with non-financial goals that weren't an after-thought, but are part of its DNA.