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02/18/13 8:06 PM

#95303 RE: mysticalEnchantress #95301

Your insight is greatly appreciated.....CBIS will prevail .....

"Did you know that sugar feeds cancer? Cancer cells thrive on it. Will your oncologist share that with you? pft. And although I'm a fan of cbis, I also find it silly how mankind goes through all these hoops to make fancy shmancy medicine wth a gazillion side effects to "cure" cancer and disease. Proper nutrition will address and prevent most of these ailments. Mother nature knows what she is doing. But I suppose cannabis isn't necessarily in the same class as many other pharmaceuticals. And that may be why she works so well; she is a component of nature."

PS..... When I dropped sugars and carbs ..... I started losing a kilo per week .... but it was one of the most difficult things I have ever done ..... I complained all the way ..... until I won the struggle .... and happy i did ..... Have you looked into "wheat belly"?????.... even more disturbing ..... please don't kill the messenger on this one ..... I was angry as heck too .....

Best Wishes


02/18/13 8:50 PM

#95305 RE: mysticalEnchantress #95301

We are biochemistry in motion .......which underlines the need to tune-in to the nature of our personal biochemical "flow-field" ..... This is why the issue of wheat's historical genetic modifications calls for understanding ...... How would a mature person process this information with the goal of moving toward a healthier diet????? ...... Perhaps ..... eat more raw cannabis while thinking about it ...... because the road is loaded with bumps ..... Perhaps ..... a bitter journey with a happy ending .....

Best Wishes