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02/14/13 11:37 PM

#26963 RE: ive been had #26961

VHC is the worst comparison for VRNG in terms of valuation comparisons. VHC's patent portfolio covers multiple industries with current/future sales projections in the hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars. And this patent portfolio has many years remaining in addition to the R&D (new patents & patent apps) that will keep the pipeline flowing for as far out as anyone can see. The market has (and still is) very forward looking with VHC because its intellectual property is standardized and essential to every single advanced mobile device going forward (4G and beyond)... not to mention its technology is in every single Apple iphone, ipad, etc past, present, and future.

VRNG on the other hand is dealing with finite payments from 1 or 2 meaningful search providers and possibly some infrastructure royalties in a specific niche of telecom. On top of that, they are asserting European patents against a major Chinese player who does 80+% of its business outside of Europe... and that portion which actually is in Europe is not entirely related to infrastructure. Just sayin...


02/15/13 4:17 AM

#26968 RE: ive been had #26961

Yes, with a $700MM settlement fireworks would go off! This is what VHC got on $200MM and an announcement of going after Apple, see August 2010. They maxed at a $2Billion market cap, 10X settlement, $40+ per share over a year before the Apple trial. Then we still have Microsoft and ZTE, and that's just the start. Vringo will be the next VHC, give it some time. 500 Nokia patents will add up. IP just merged in 6 months ago, this is not an OTC company, real companies take time to grow.