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02/14/13 2:28 PM

#198371 RE: StephanieVanbryce #198368

Ever wondered how stupid Republicans are? Wonder no more ...

On February 7, Breitbart News's Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro published an explosive-looking story under the headline "Secret Hagel Donor? White House Ducks Question on 'Friends of Hamas.'" Quoting "Senate sources," Shapiro claimed that crucial documents on Hagel's "foreign funding" might be kept from the Senate Armed Services Committe because "one of the names listed is a group purportedly called "Friends of Hamas."

And this shocking news was picked up and peddled around by others in the rightwingnuttia media, the allegedly respected media, by a United States senator, not to mention a former Republican presidential candidate ... but there's one little problem:

There's no proof that "Friends of Hamas" actually exists. At best, it's an organization so secret that nobody in government has thought to mention its existence. At worst, it's as fake as Manti Te'o's girlfriend.


And tomorrow it looks like Senate Republicans will filibuster the nomination of former Sen. Chuck Hagel as secretary of defense because of lunatic conspiracy theories like this. Of course this would never have happened had Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid not caved on filibuster reform. So take this time to sign the petition to tell Harry Reid: Re-open filibuster reform in light of continued Republican obstructionism.


02/14/13 2:58 PM

#198372 RE: StephanieVanbryce #198368

Should Reid resign if Hagel Nomination is held up?

I am tired of people doing stupid things and then facing no consequences. Harry Reid made a major blunder when he did not push through filibuster reform. It is already having historic consequences. This is one of the reasons progressives are in the majority and yet cannot get anything done. I don't care what the reasons were. Harry Reid didn't have the votes is not a good excuse. He is the Senate majority leader. If you can't bring his own people along on such a fundamental issue he should not be in a position of power. He is being humiliated in front of the world in slow motion and it is nobody's fault but his own. The other senators who went against filibuster reform should suffer consequences as well. We keep saying that press does not hold Washington insiders responsible for the consequences of their terrible mistakes but do we do the same thing? I am disgusted at this spectacle. Mitch McConnell is laughing behind his fog filled glasses. Enough! Enough! Enough! of the petitions begging Harry Reid to do the people's will. He doesn't care. There needs to be a major movement to remove Harry Reid from his position is Hagel is filibustered and there is no direct consequence of filibuster reform. Actions, especially stupid, destructive actions must have consequences. The famous definition of insanity - that you keep banging your head against the wall hoping something different will happen.

End of rant, but also if he does not act I hope the beginning of the end for Reid.