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02/13/13 10:22 AM

#61519 RE: modrica #61518

"...then why is the market cap only 1 million ?"

Because until they actually produce revenue and/or the estimated resources are audited and documented on an SEC report the market treats it all as speculation.


02/13/13 11:21 AM

#61523 RE: modrica #61518

IMO reason market cap level is direct result of management inability to instil confidence in the market by lack of information that would provide investors more confidence in projections and timetable for returning to production.My own opinion is that this is due to lack of IR expertise, and CFO's inexperience in this sector. Second the last 13 months 90% of mining stocks have had stock price declines and most juniors hurting for lack of financing.Third the DTC chill must limit the CFO's options for financing and/or some investors interest in buying the stock.

I believe I have tried to be objective about the stock but I am hesitant to invest more signficant sums until mangement can show a clearer path forwards- I dont mind delays and problems, just the lack of clarity is a bit worrisome. I for one would jump to buying more stock if they released a new update that provided more comfort and realistic projectons.They must have a realistic projection by now whether tey wil meet the September/October start date.