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02/12/13 5:55 PM

#6699 RE: douglll #6690

Chart Analysis when predicting "bullish" would not work with low volume.
even bearish may not work with low volume.. but changes are higher to go bearish with low volume than it is with with bullish.
think about it, stock goes up when there is demand for it, or when people expect something will be happening soon. So it's much harder to find that demand.
On the other hand, a stock can drop fairly easy. It will take one panicked investor for a slow moving stock to drop. Panic will add to panic and more people will sell.. and have it..the stock will start to move downward with heavy volume.
But so far FARE has held out pretty well in midst of having no volume..
But my guess would be it will gradually go lower without any news. (like it's been happening for the past couple weeks)

As I mentioned before lot of investors are watching this stock from the sideline.. and will jump in when a substantial news hits. They may miss a 50% run if they are not holding the stock at that point, but at least they won't get their money tied up in a non moving stock. (or see the stock going lower and lower everyday).
Also you can buy more when the stock drops..
so holding onto a stock that is supposed to move in two months in not recommended in my book - unless you've really really found the bottom, which is not the case here.
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02/12/13 8:11 PM

#6705 RE: douglll #6690

FARE had amazing Vol. all through Jan.......Vol. has dried up......traders moved happens....

most are concerned about the unfilled gap.......Vol. is very significant no matter if the stock is a big board play or a penny stock.......

by watching Vol. you can better determine a stocks movement......yes, thinly traded low vol. stocks are more difficult to chart......that's why I stay away from them.....

that leads me to an important point......only trade stocks that have significant vol.......a stock needs to be liquid......the vol. should also......alway's follow the vol....

learn more......check out the link @ the bottom of my posts......$$$