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11/11/05 2:42 PM

#34106 RE: stingray2 #34105

I understand...there is an ex insider from Sony managing First4internet. So, Sony tried it, now they don't like it.

Sony can now experiment with us and MVSN, or just ramp up to full speeed with us since they already know we work....and we now have a ceo from BMG-SONY.

MVSN is another risk that SONY may not feel comfortable with at this time?? Or perhaps they will use MediaMax and MVSN? So long as the pie keeps growing, there is room for two successful companies doing CD copy management.


11/11/05 2:43 PM

#34107 RE: stingray2 #34105

Sting i'm aware of what you say!! It was a huge hurdle Sony had been working with first 4 and there was a camp at Sony (of course) that believed they did the best job possible at picking a copy protection... Thus when the merge took place and Kevin who has been a STAUNCH supporter of mediamax and has had a great working relationship with Peter etc Sony wouldn't just accept Mediamaz as the holy grail.. Well Kevin is looking like a genius and i with us now. i wonder who sony will listen to now??? This is huge egg in the face and sony doesn't need no egg...