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02/12/13 11:00 AM

#90968 RE: Kashkat #90966

i agree. i think we're looking at new management, name change and audits done.


02/12/13 11:01 AM

#90970 RE: Kashkat #90966

Also from a developer stand point, you never, ever, let go of the company URL/domain just based on SEO purposes. Even if you get a new domain going forward, there's literally zero reason other than straight-up negligence, to drop your company URL.

BTW, I'm not taking sides, just saying I don't like what I see lately.


02/12/13 11:10 AM

#90973 RE: Kashkat #90966

And this comes from an actual response from Marc?


02/12/13 11:30 AM

#90977 RE: Kashkat #90966

IMO: Not bashing because i own a ton of this too. How is it only certain people receive return e-mails from Marc. I sent many e-mails and haven't received any in return from him.