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02/09/13 11:51 PM

#284667 RE: cloud3 #284666

Dang cloud after reading your post you have me depressed lol. Im looking to sell mine at. 05 by may. Thats pure speculation mind you but thats my goal and i only have 1500 bucks in this so its not like im gonna jump off a bridge if i lose it but i figured, hey there are worse ways of losing that kind of money lol.....i am very confident it will get higher than that but i dont want to wait years and years.


02/10/13 8:29 AM

#284672 RE: cloud3 #284666

cloud: No, nothing really changed with these agreements. The layering of the documents adds to the complexity and has confused investors. The advantage of borrowing $40M with only a few sheet of paper is it cuts out the transaction attorney fees.

What has changed since Iain's time is that they have twice modified how they account for the convertible notes. One of the changes eliminated the penalty of an increase in the market PPS. Instead, the accounting takes the worst case scenario as the basis which has again confused investors.

The deal was good for everyone including the investors but certainly will provide lots of fodder for NeoMedia critics. We have another year for YA to scratch our belly but there were no other options.

Now go enjoy Sunday brunch.

Harold Fieldt

02/10/13 1:03 PM

#284680 RE: cloud3 #284666

Even the best got caught in this one (and I'm not talking about me). Just look at Soon-Shiong (imo he was betting on bankruptcy and then they extended the deadline). My average price is somewhere between the seventh and eighth circle of hell so don't feel too bad about yourself.

I do think you're wrong about the pps not reaching old levels again.


02/11/13 10:11 AM

#284747 RE: cloud3 #284666

cloud3: They got rid of 3/4 of the warrants. That is a step in the right direction.

What that says to me is the pps will rise as YA won't take less so the pps attached to those warrants has to rise so their remaining quarter at a higher pps will equal the whole at a lower pps.



02/11/13 2:56 PM

#284776 RE: cloud3 #284666


Your quote: "Dear reader, my average price would make you wince. I'm just a guy with a day job and two little kids who thought he was on to something years ago and I was both early and wrong. I made a terrible mistake, and kept making it...despite knowing full well the wisdom in Einstein's famous quote. Maybe it's different this time, and there's an impressive growth story to be had from here. But it won't reach the levels I'd need to come away smiling. I don't think it's possible with the number of O/S. So, I can only look forward to lessened losses. Barring a miracle of some kind, that is. Am I still talking? Damn martini(s)..."

I know exactly of which you're talking about.
My 18k could have gone to much better use ---- not talking about the many people who followed me down with my mistake.

Every time I encounter friends and relatives who've lost as much and more in this stock, I feel so bad.


PS: You got mail.