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02/09/13 12:30 PM

#10127 RE: Anthony A #10126

shells are not very difficult to, I don't see why that should be a "hold up".....


02/09/13 3:06 PM

#10128 RE: Anthony A #10126

Thx4 chasing that down Anthony, U-da-Man......but one question; not being a pro on issues like this , I'm not seeing how we stand to (conceivably) benefit even if he acquires a new clean shell...I don't recall hearing of any instance where shares from a zombie stock like this can be transfered into an entirely different (active) corporate entity. Not to mention that even if Alex could do this , he is most-likely under no obligation to do so....however; if he were to do such a thing out of a sense of fairness or philanthropy , his reputation/credibility would be A#1 in my book & likely miles above the typical PennyMarket BS. I truely hope I'm missing something here...sure would be nice to have a piece of 'something' ('anything') for a change...I suspect the other 120 followers on this board feel the same.
signed, Clueless in San Diego ;)