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11/10/05 10:02 AM

#3820 RE: Cush #3819

I can't see ANY CHARTS ON IHUB anywhere. I can't even see the 3 listed at the end of your header. Only 3 [suppressed Chart link} messages.


11/10/05 10:07 AM

#3821 RE: Cush #3819's the message I got from SC but I'm not sure how to go about "deleting my temporary internet files" as they suggest. I know it's probably easy, but I'm a "user", not a technician so if you could provide a quick explanation of how to do it I'd appreciate it very much.

Here's what SC said...

Hi Laptoptrader,

The charts appear to be working fine from here and we have not heard
from others of having a similar problem. When viewing the posting
referenced, the chart shows fine. When going to the Support Forum, do you
see the 3 charts posted at the bottom of the information area (just above
the postings)?

If you are still having a problem with viewing the charts, we suspect,
there is a configuration issue that is causing this problem. As a
first step, try deleting your temporary internet files and then restarting
your computer.

If that fails to help, please let us know. After sending your message,
please see our Configuration page for some possible ideas as to why
this is happening: