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02/07/13 11:42 AM

#198105 RE: F6 #198104



08/15/13 3:17 PM

#207831 RE: F6 #198104

O.K. ... is there or what is the connection between Nikola Tesla and Elon Musk? .. IF there is one .. well, ALL I can say is this .. they BOTH GAVE earth shattering concepts away ... And the name Tesla is in both of their lives Prominently .. and yes Elon is STILL doing it, giving technology away for free ! ... I can't find a 'family' connection although I have only looked at one wiki page ... however, I did find this (forgive me, but I just have to put in a few more wonderful things about Elon Musk ___Musk joined The Giving Pledge in April 2012, offering an ethical commitment to donate the majority of his fortune to philanthropic causes.[48] Musk became a member of the campaign first popularised by Warren Buffett and Bill Gates with a class of 12 of America's wealthiest families and individuals, which included Arthur Blank and Michael Moritz.[48]

Car blog Jalopnik reported on 16 August 2012 that Musk was supporting an effort by Matthew Inman of The Oatmeal to preserve the site of Nikola Tesla's lab on Long Island, New York and turn it into a museum, the Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe.[49]

AND THIS .. Musk had been a supporter of the U.S. Political Action Committee, which was started by fellow high-profile entrepreneur Mark Zuckerberg and advocates for immigration reform. However in May 2013, Musk publicly withdrew his support in protest of advertisements the PAC was running that supported causes like the Keystone Pipeline. It is common for PACs to support causes on both sides of the political spectrum in order to gain favor with lawmakers for the group's primary cause. Musk and other important members of the group, including David Sacks, pulled out of the organisation and criticized the strategy, calling it "cynical."[50]

I'm absolutely so far in love with you Mr. Musk. ... ;)

What has Elon Musk given away? Well this__Elon Musk has published details of what he calls the 'Hyperloop' (without patents, under an open source license). The plans can be found in a 57 page PDF file that goes into quite a lot of detail. It really shows that Musk is not just a business person, but is also the "chief product architect" at both Tesla and SpaceX, immersing himself deeply into the technical side of things.

.. Now, I don't think this is all free . .but He sure is giving EVERYONE a chance to be extraordinary AND to make scads of money! .. .. .

So getting back to Nikola Tesla and Elon Musk & Tesla.. . I'm still looking for more than just Elon's admiration ..and respect.. .;) ........

Oh yeah .. all links in that sentence above from the Treehugger... are here (and the ohther is just wiki page)

I've just GOT to post that one from TREEHUGGER as it shows how HE loves LIFE! ... .. loving life has to be important somewhere other than the people who love you .. .like maybe in the business world? .... hmmmn ... prolly Einstein Loved LiFe .. I can remember his photos .. those eyes .. with the kindness and love seeping out .. ! .. so who knows ... . .we'll ALL see.. . something to look forward to in this 'know it all' world we live in .... ;)


08/15/13 4:02 PM

#207832 RE: F6 #198104

Elon Musk unveils Hyperloop, a futuristic, solar-powered supersonic pod-train

Michael Graham Richard
Transportation / Public Transportation
August 12, 2013

Will the real Tony Stark please stand up?

As promised, Elon Musk has published [ ] details of what he calls the 'Hyperloop' (without patents, under an open source license). The plans can be found in a 57 page PDF file [ ] that goes into quite a lot of detail. It really shows that Musk is not just a business person, but is also the "chief product architect" at both Tesla and SpaceX, immersing himself deeply into the technical side of things. With this, he just got closer to outdoing Tony Stark...

Hyperloop Elon Musk/Public Domain

In a blog post introducing the project, [ ] Musk writes:

When the California “high speed” rail was approved, I was quite disappointed, as I know many others were too. How could it be that the home of Silicon Valley and JPL – doing incredible things like indexing all the world’s knowledge and putting rovers on Mars – would build a bullet train that is both one of the most expensive per mile and one of the slowest in the world? Note, I am hedging my statement slightly by saying “one of”. The head of the California high speed rail project called me to complain that it wasn’t the very slowest bullet train nor the very most expensive per mile.

The underlying motive for a statewide mass transit system is a good one. It would be great to have an alternative to flying or driving, but obviously only if it is actually better than flying or driving. The train in question would be both slower, more expensive to operate (if unsubsidized) and less safe by two orders of magnitude than flying, so why would anyone use it?

Hyperloop Elon Musk/Public Domain

To come up with a solution, he started with these design criteria:

If we are to make a massive investment in a new transportation system, then the return should by rights be equally massive. Compared to the alternatives, it should ideally be:

Lower cost
More convenient
Immune to weather
Sustainably self-powering
Resistant to Earthquakes
Not disruptive to those along the route

That's how the Hyperloop idea was born: a solar-powered, city-to-city elevated transit system that can move people (and cars, in the larger version) from Los Angeles to San Francisco in 30 minutes.

Businessweek writes: [ ]

Inside the tubes, the pods would be mounted on thin skis made out of inconel, a trusted alloy of SpaceX that can withstand high pressure and heat. Air gets pumped through little holes in the skis to make an air cushion, Musk says. The front of the pod would have a pair of air jet inlets—sort of like the Concorde. An electric turbo compressor would compress the air from the nose and route it to the skis and to the cabin. Magnets on the skis, plus an electromagnetic pulse, would give the pod its initial thrust; reboosting motors along the route would keep the pod moving. And: no sonic boom. With warm air inside the tubes and high tailwinds, the pods could travel at high speeds without crossing the sound barrier. “The pod can go just below the speed of sound relative to the air,” Musk says.

Hyperloop Elon Musk/Public Domain

It'll take me a bit of time to wrap my head around the 57 pages that Musk has published, so I don't have much more for you right now (more later), but if you want to see for yourself, here's the PDF. [ ]

I bet that most objections against the design are already addressed in there (I've seen a few).

Note the solar panels. Because it's in a controlled environment, there's little friction and so it doesn't take as much energy to power the Hyperloop as would a plane or train going at similar speeds.

Hyperloop Elon Musk/Public Domain

Why isn't he building it himself? He probably could, but as he says: “I wish I had not mentioned it,” he says. “I still have to run SpaceX and Tesla, and it’s f*cking hard.”

Via Elon Musk

[ ]

And Yes, Of course, all of this is in ALL the reputable business magazine bloomberg, NYT .. everywhere .. AND BOREALIS .. YES! ... I read yours! .. And I loved Your articles ... and the only reason I didn't post on top of yours .. was because somehow ... this morning I thought of Nikola Tesla .... shrugging my shoulders and I did a search for him and of course it came up to this post of F6 ... ;) .... anyway .... .. What a GREAT darn GUY! ...AND I just wonder all the useful and usable things we will see from this guy who obviously LOVES what he's doing and loves life ..Don't believe me? .. .GO TAKE another LOOK at that first PHOTO .. yeah it's a photoshop .. but look at this .. ! ..........;)

.............not that much different .. ;) ! ...


11/24/13 11:52 PM

#214126 RE: F6 #198104



Father & Son Head On Concorde vs NightHawk


What brought the Concorde undone? .. noise .. emissions .. safety ..

Analysis: The son of Concorde?

Author - David Churchill General - 16 Nov 2013

Plans are underway for a new generation of commercial supersonic aircraft a decade after
Concorde ceased flying. But will companies be prepared to pay the price? David Churchill reports


NASA Funds Supersonic Jet of the Future

.. top comment now .. Taint Man 4 days ago

old video i know, but i find it interesting that earth is rotating with india below the
equator on this "google earth" animation. looks like greenland/canada is the new north pole??

i find it even more interesting that nobody else in the comment section has noticed this...
all these people that think they are smart because they read the nasa brochures, lololol.



Thought Questions for Astronomy 101 (Spring 2013)

Instructor: Eric Sandquist

.. peek at the answers there if you want to .. LOL .. this one relates to the last YT above ..

‘Audacious’ Supersonic Jet Gets NASA Funding

By Bethany Whitfield / Published: Sep 05, 2012

Florida engineers believe this supersonic jet
could eliminate sonic boom.

Photo: University of Miami

One particularly eye-catching design for a fuel-efficient supersonic jet has captured the interest of NASA, which awarded the group behind the airplane a $100,000 grant to further explore its potential.

The design features a bi-directional flying wing with a shape that resembles a ninja star. The craft, thought up by engineers at the University of Miami and Florida State University, is symmetric about both longitudinal and span axes and would adjust to different speed modes in flight by rotating 90 degrees, according to the proposal.

Developers say the rotating design would allow it to overcome a key problem posed by supersonic passenger aircraft – the need to combine supersonic flight with the ability to land and takeoff at more manageable speeds without compromising performance.

Engineers behind the project say the aircraft would reduce supersonic wave drag and essentially eliminate sonic boom, thanks to a smooth ground over pressure signature.

University of Miami aerospace engineering professor Ge-Chen Zha, who is leading the project, referred to the design as “audacious thinking” in a recent university news piece, and says he hopes to create a new practical supersonic passenger-carrying airplane within the next 20 to 30 years.

The grant won by Zha and his team was awarded as part of NASA’s Innovative Advanced Concepts program, which seeks to “be an incubator for a multitude of high risk-high payoff ideas that, if successful, will transition for further development.”

.. earlier i had two pesky flies liking my screen, been toweling (rolled) them away .. now only one .. i wonder if some flies learn faster than others? .. maybe the first one left out of boredom, after all there is an open window less than a meter to my right .. is windy though .. oh! the 2nd seems to have gotten the message now, too ..




'Son of Concorde': London to Sydney in four hours gets closer

Date June 25, 2012 Comments 273

Clive Dorman is one of Australia's most experienced travel journalists.

[ .. 2:44 VIDEO .. he says funding is the ONLY problem .. gulp ]

What next for supersonic airliners?
Further funding is required to produce a viable alternative to the supersonic passenger liner, the Concorde, experts say.

They’re playing with our minds again ... and they’re on a sure-fire winner. Aeronautical designers last week again unleashed their trusty headline-grabber about the imminence of a “Son of Concorde”.

London to Sydney in four hours, they were saying, in the run-up to next month’s Farnborough air show outside London in the UK, which is one of the aerospace industry’s main annual sales jamborees.

Importantly, the boffins were talking about the technical details of breakthroughs in computer-aided design that they reckon can finally overcome the biggest obstacle – Concorde’s inability to fly supersonically over land.

'Son of Concorde' ... our ability to fly at supersonic speeds over land in commercial aircraft
depends on the effort to reduce the sonic boom, says NASA. Photo: NASA/Lockheed Martin

I was sucked in despite a knowing warning yesterday from former Sydney Morning Herald aviation editor Ben Sandilands .. . "Every single story about a Concorde successor ever written has been wrong," he told me bluntly.

But the highly technical report .. .. by veteran aviation writer Guy Norris and colleague Graham Warwick in Aviation Week and Space Technology was very specific about the progress that has been made.

“The biggest barriers to development of economically viable and environmentally acceptable supersonic transports — sonic boom and airport noise — may be about to be breached,” they wrote.

“Through development of design tools allowing aircraft to be shaped to produce quieter booms, and noise-reducing nozzle concepts, NASA and industry are growing confident that routine supersonic overland flight is within reach.”

One of Lockheed Martin's designs for a supersonic aircraft that could
travel over land with reduced sonic booms. Photo: NASA/Lockheed Martin

The London Sunday Times reported that Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Gulfstream were in a race to build a Concorde successor aimed initially at the business jet market.

Backed by the US space agency NASA, the three companies believe they are close to muffling the sonic boom to create a sound described by a Gulfstream engineer as “closer to a puff or plop”.

"The fact that the big boys are all close confirms industry rumours that a new generation of supersonic planes is now, finally, within reach," the engineer told the Sunday Times.

The fastest subsonic executive jet, Gulfstream's forthcoming G650, can fly 11,000 kms at 1041km/h and has a top speed of 1133 km/h.

Lighter composite materials, more advanced engines and smaller fuselages could enable new jets to travel about twice as fast as Concorde, which flew at up to 2187 km/h. That would enable speeds of more than 4000 km/h, allowing scheduled “block” times between Sydney and London, 17,000 kms away, of around five hours.

The fastest subsonic executive jet, Gulfstream's forthcoming G650, can fly 11,000 kms at a mere 1041 km/h and has a top speed of 1133 km/h. But the imagined successor, dubbed the X-54, would “prove that an aircraft can be shaped for low sonic boom”, according to Aviation Week’s report.

The new design would be “sketched out” at Farnborough along with other supersonic prototypes, air show executives told the Sunday Times.

The sonic boom was the major factor that prevented Concorde from ever being developed beyond an expensive experimental aircraft. By the time an Air France Concorde crashed in 2000 .. .. in a disastrous encounter with runway debris after taking off from Paris Charles de Gaulle, the plane was already having to deal with daunting ageing-aircraft issues as most Concordes by then were approaching 30 years old.

In the end, without a commercial successor in sight, Air France and British Airways decided to ground them in 2003.

At that time and to this day, the airline industry is mesmerised by affordability, with the Airbus A380 and the Boeing 787 Dreamliner delivering previously unattainably low unit economics – the cost per seat per kilometre.

The X-54 business jet wouldn’t fly until after 2020, which means a full-sized jet seating around 300 people wouldn’t be available until around 2030 assuming the new technology was reliable and successful.

Even then, the airline industry struggles to answer the question: what would happen to the existing subsonic jet fleet if those flying business and first class suddenly left to become clients of the sexy new supersonic transport (SST)? Most of the world’s long-haul international fleet would be uneconomic without business travellers paying up to seven times the going rate down the back of the plane.

But there’s no doubt we’ll get there eventually. Australia is among the countries farthest from the world’s main human populations in the northern hemisphere and the people for whom the term “tyranny of distance” was coined.

What do you think? Are we likely to be flying at supersonic speeds again within 10 years? Or will these concepts remain in the realm of fantasy?

Note: Last week's blog .. .. received an overwhelming response from readers. Unfortunately as a result of the huge volume of comments, some comments slipped through that should not have been published. These have since been removed and we apologise for any offence caused.

.. i was sucked in, too, by this friggin YAHOO ..

.. hmm .. i thought Yahoo would be in here, also .. .. anyway, a Yahoo is sorta like a Yobbo ..

.. if you remember the two fly story, one of them is back .. lolol ..