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02/05/13 6:09 PM

#199824 RE: RadTechnician #199820

Excellent post!!!! Some of the investors in this company have been here for years with Brian telling us that he is going to reward us loyal shareholders. I just hope i'm lucky enough to live to see it.

Well, if the value of our loyal investment keeps going down then that does not feel rewarding to me.

Why have 4 million available and report that to shareholders if there is no intention to use some of it???? Use some of it on this great expansion plan and the audited financials!!!

With how fast Brian is trying to grow and expand this company wouldn't it be smart to do fins and at the least start a buyback that also helps this company grow at a faster pace as a higher share price serves that purpose for future expansion??

Most real companies(which I include Bebevco) have to have debt as they expand so there's nothing wrong with that compared to being debt free and having a sub penny share price which helps no one.

Happy shareholders then in fact will buy more products,buy more shares and let others know about this great company. Bebevco has the possibility to be one of those companies if Brian does a few more things right.

#1-Euro/Asia up and going if as great as Brian says.

#2-Audited financials sooner than later.

#3-Buyback sooner than later.

#4-Commercials sooner than later. People need to know what Koma Unwind is. We don't want two stores in and one store out because it just sits as customers are unaware of this product.

#5-DLR out of the picture so all know what they own. Preffereds for the owners of DLR to do this?? This would show the investment community that Brian only succeeds if the company succeeds as Bebevco seems to have all of the financial liabilities.

#6-A real company CFO. Need to try to do what real companies do.

#7 A real Board of Directors as any real company would have with a few industry experts. At least a few more Directors than just Brian.

#8-An updated web site with a Koma Unwind store locater.

#9 Fill in this blank as i'm sure i've forgotten something. lol

All of these are not necessarily in the right order but would be great to see them addressed and some starting to be implemented in the near future.

I believe great things can happen with this company if Brian addresses these issues in a timely manner.



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02/05/13 7:39 PM

#199836 RE: RadTechnician #199820

Can anyone explain the form 10 option to me?? TIA!