And America owes $17 Trillion and rising, Gold will be going MUCH higher and every one knows it Edgar2. I will not give you reason to buy GDSM, I only care about my shares and my stocks. I don't follow others into or out of trades. A lot of posters think it is a scam, all the while I have accumulated more. I along with many others are in the million shares and up club. If Lovito doesn't do a reverse split, and he NEVER HAS, I will buy more shares. If he does a reverse split, then I have fallen for another penny stock scam. I am willing to take that risk with my money for my own reasons. I have done the research on GDSM to feel very comfortable with my position. Many traders don't know anything about mining and they especially know absolutely NOTHING about running a business. Do you? I wish you luck with your trading. My advice is don't take advice from anyone on what stocks to trade. Learn as much as you can about reading charts and researching companies. It is good education and will help you come out on top. Follow others and they will surely lose your money. GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL. GO GDSM!!!!