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02/04/13 1:35 PM

#29584 RE: GJones #29582

Also, if you want to know the addresses, contact his distributors. The distributors are your ticket to getting the locations, not Ken.


02/04/13 1:49 PM

#29585 RE: GJones #29582

Ken's distribution service for CLNP is not unlike many distribution services.

It is very common for a not-so-big company, like CLNP, to sell their products to distributors, and allow the distributors to do with the products as they wish.

I work with distributors for two different companies, and when I buy from the distributors, they don't even know what I do with the products (packaged food goods) or where I might sell them.


02/04/13 1:56 PM

#29587 RE: GJones #29582

If he knows how many stores then he certainly should know of at least 2-3 stores and locations given he knows the specific amount in Texas ect. Wow really pathetic


02/04/13 1:59 PM

#29588 RE: GJones #29582

the only thing i took from that was they could make almost a million a month on the new product. did you call him?


02/05/13 9:56 AM

#29609 RE: GJones #29582

Unbelievable. Kind of funny and sick at the same time.


02/06/13 12:47 PM

#29645 RE: GJones #29582

I can't understand how this doesn't make the hair stand up on the back of anyone's neck who owns shares in this company. I am a Director of Business Development for a manufacturing company and I can understand Ken's point about not knowing the retailer's name because I don't know who my distributors are selling to either...

HOWEVER, that being said, I could quickly call anyone of my distributors if need be and could find out who a few of their customers are immediately! His repeated sidestep of the question with a serious of more broken promises to find out from his product plaement specialist is the big RED FLAG here.

At best, complete ineptitude of a CEO and at worst a complete sham. I'm siding with a Sham although ineptitude is certainly also at play.