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02/01/13 1:17 PM

#33 RE: mypenneys #32

they haven't just paid, oil prices are about to go past $100 which will up the earnings for next financial. Give me a few minutes to look at ex-div dates, etc.


02/01/13 1:22 PM

#34 RE: mypenneys #32

ex-div date is Feb 12, they'll cut the pps by $.65 then, and you can see by the info, it's down almost 50% from it's 52-week high, dividend is about 14% which is great for an oil trust, pipelines run about 5-6%. Now let's look next at why the 50% drop as to whether just oversold or something else...


02/01/13 1:38 PM

#36 RE: mypenneys #32

His estimate of having had expected 30% more oil production is probably overblown, when oil prices were barely $80/barrel. I'd cut production too and wait it out for prices to recover. Price Target was cut only by $2 and still is $22, which doesn't take into account oil price fluctuations. If the price tumbled because of investors not happy about the divie declared, the damage will be done quickly. If you look at mREITs, declarations of divie cuts always gets beaten hard at the announcement and a couple days after, but then they end up coming back.
Price targets don't necessarily go the direction the stock actually goes, investors are fickle.
Anyway, it is in bargain territory. The company may come out with a statement which could counter the "couple days" of downward movement from investors selling, and shorters who both believe the stock would have dropped from the announcement.
The trust won't go bellyup, those are set for 10 year's worth of oil.