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01/31/13 7:22 PM

#4336 RE: fung_derf #4335

What I know about he and Treffry is, Treffry "loaned" Willy some money.

Every time Treff brings up this money, Willy changes his tune and defends Treffry.

Correct me if this is inaccurate, but this is what I recall.

Sometime in 08 Willy posted the money was to start some business venture he and Treff had plan. The story change to a "loan".

Treff broke up with his pal surfit, (who was once the boyz promotor). Later, Treff starts posting messages on the RB CMKX board "Willy call me" (that raised some eyebrows). Willy posting about "big whales" invested in CMKX (we know now the big whales were insiders).

Also if my memory is correct, an early post on the RB BMCS board Treff stated he was accumulating shares of corbel on a hunch that something would happen (which it did). hmmm

Apparently they both have secrets together.

Treff always insisted his work for Jensen only involved litigation but, if Willy is being truthful about Treffry "recruiting him". Recruiting for what, paralegal work?

all imo