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11/08/05 9:49 PM

#136021 RE: BullNBear52 #135781

AP predicts Tim Kaine (D) has won the governor race in RED state, VIRGINIA - YEA!!!
Jerry Kilgore (R) tried desperately to separate himself from GWB, but at the last minute he appeared with Bush at a Richmond Int'l Airport rally and it didn't help - may have even hurt.

AP predicts Jon Corzine (D) has won the gov race in NJ. Corzine even won in Bergen County - historically solid Republican territory.
It was a race between 2 millionaires, neither of which accepted gov't funds and were free to spend as much as they wanted. The campaign was VERY nasty, with Corzine's former wife allowing herself to be used to smear Jon Corzine. It's a tough state to campaign in because it has to rely on NY media coverage for the middle/northern part of the state, and PA media coverage for the southern part of the state. To cover both media markets gets very expensive.