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04/23/01 5:54 PM

#232 RE: tc #229

What have you been up to lately, tc? Haven't seen you around anywhere!

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04/23/01 6:35 PM

#234 RE: tc #229

<I>I deleted it because I felt that KG4 and his friend greg posted several times on Vendit's thread just to see if
they could disrupt the thread.</I>

I'm unsure how you were able to gauge their intent. All the posts they made were respectful. They were also made after market hours, when many threads, including yours, go off-topic.

You are treading down a very slippery slope when you judge respectful, yet personal, off-topic posts, made afterhours on a thread which is, by its nature Off-Topic, as worthy of deletion.

I hope Bob reviews and restores those posts and am looking forward to less broad rules with regard to post deletions. IMO,they are too often wielded with the intent to stifle discourse.

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im a survivor

04/23/01 6:35 PM

#235 RE: tc #229

<<I deleted it because I felt that KG4 and his friend greg posted several times on Vendit's thread just to see if they could disrupt the thread.why not post via pm>>

That just is not true at all....first i have asked vendit several times both via PM and publicly, he will not answer me. First Greg, is a super guy...I read his posts and there were not that many, and he certainly wasn;t trying to cause problems......vendit replied in a very rude manner and I have PM's from people who believe the same. I simply posted there to tell him I thought it was rude of him to treat greg that way just because he has a problem with me. That is the exact place it should have been posted, because that is where greg posted, that is where I felt vendit was rude to him, so that is where i responded. I also dont think my response was bad at all....heck, it'e right here for all to reason it should have been deleted, and again, the only reason I posted it here, is I had a sneaking suspicion it wouldn't last long on his thread, and it seems as though I was right....but certainly, this was not the place to post it....this was the place to post it so there would be a record of should have been posted on his thread and it never should have been was not a bad post....but again, I had no choice but to post it here so there would be a record of the post IF it was deleted from his thread.

And it doesn't matter where i post I said, I have PM'd vendit...he just ignores and deletes me.

With all that said...maybe you should go back and re-read the posts....Greg was very nice and cordial i thought. vendit responded by basically showing him the door. I thought that was very rude and i told him so. i dont think there is anything wrong with that, nor do i see a deluge of posts by greg, or me, trying to disrupt his many times have i posted there? How many times has greg posted there??

If I was trying to disrupt his thread, you would know it. I think the simple thought of that is ridiculous. Again, how many times did I and greg post and how disruptive and mean were they? I think if you go back and look, you will see that neither greg or I posted much to his thread and nor were we being disruptive.

I have to go now

have a great night
