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01/30/13 12:32 PM

#72534 RE: properlynumb #72529 comes down to this for many here............

They've grown up in a protected bubble and see the ugly side of people only in the media as "the other".....never having experienced it first-hand. They cling to the absurd notion that "it can't happen here"....."if only I believe". The reality is that it's already happening here. The quintessential event that put an exclamation mark on this was, of course, 911. In the words of Robert McIlvaine, father of a 911 victim...........

"Anytime you mention this, the pain just shoots up. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm a parent looking for the murderer of my son.......and ya have to a moron to think that 19 Arabs did it. dogs know better than that. Put yourself in my shoes and think of your child being murdered. And you've never had an investigation. Well, how would you feel....that they refused to investigate the murder of your child? And the story has to be told. The problem with's like a big iceberg. We live in the tip of the iceberg and we're afraid of the dark truth of our history.....and it's getting worse and worse. Well, this is a real dark truth. It will pull the whole iceberg down, but the hopefully, it will rise back up. But we have to learn the truth or this country isn't worth anything. All that history is lame and the people ought to be ashamed of themselves for not seeking the truth".

And that truth is that 911 and the cover-up that followed could not have been perpetrated without the tacit co-operation and silence from everyone in Congress. I hope I'm wrong, but I would venture to say that the partisans here will be the first to welcome the tyranny which, sans any action, is certain to come, with open arms....again telling themselves whatever they need to in order to survive.