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11/07/05 10:05 PM

#31432 RE: PowerPole #31422

Thanks PowerPole on that post...Many people still have their head in the sand about the issue of naked shorting and all need to be reminded that it is happening EVERY day.If anything Reg Sho made it worse since now MMs know NOTHING will really be done to them.GLKC and NFLX have been on the list since it started in January!!! You think the MMs are scared?Truth is tho they are only taking advantage of 2 things...the SEC that lets them do it legally and the relentless selling pressure a stock has that is caused by daytraders that use Scalp tactics (taking 1%-2% on the trade)IOW they buy at the ask for example on a momentum play at .005 500k to a million shares then immediately put it up for sale 1 or 2 ticks higher or .0051-.0052 !!This pounding continuously throughout the trading day makes it look like dilution problems or naked shorting when in fact it is traders "shooting the goose that COULD lay a Golden Egg"..but they are pleased to take $20-$30 profit over and over till guess what? Momementum dies and they move on...YES naked shorting is a problem but the MMs in most cases just going with the flow that some traders cause with atrocious trading tactics...Nuff Soapbox for me T'Nite...Simple


11/07/05 10:24 PM

#31436 RE: PowerPole #31422

yeah that will work till you want to dump in the run up...and lose your shirt. lol

then you will be paying obscene commisions on trades.... and probably if to many folks hold their shares stocks will go stagnant... ie CLSI lol

Also you shall not be able to sell those shares till the paperwork clears.

many that are looking to make bank on a regular bases will find they cannot play the pennies and sub pennies like in the days of old. The cost of a margin account that lets you flip will skyrocket. paperwork surcharges will escalate.

You all may Flame me all you want but,

I am sorry for not jumping on a backwards silly bandwagon.

what would be a cure is just making a check box on your trading account. One that says this account is a single user none share transfer account. The shares within are the sole property of the account holder and not to be used in the transaction of covering short sales in another account. The stipulation is once you check that box the account becomes a non shorting account in which you cannot short yourself. you cannot have it both ways.

I do not want to go backwards

jmho, FWIW



11/07/05 11:46 PM

#31442 RE: PowerPole #31422

Excellent post , PowerPole . I recall the highly suspect silencing of the Dateline Report on " StockGate " , ie naked shorting scandal ( NSS ) , and the ineptitude and unwillingness of the SEC to protect public investors .

Lobbying Congress has piqued the attention of a few honorable CongessPersons but not enough to effect immediate change .

Personally I think the corruption rises to the Pinnacles of Power .

I believe the veil of silence over the REFCO scandal is a clear indication that even the public media have been muzzled .

The planned action of Revolution may be the only action that will force change .

Again , excellent post !!