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01/30/13 10:31 AM

#72515 RE: wall_rus #72514

Politicians NEED partisan idiots to deflect attention away from their own incompetence.

Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:59 PM EST
By Boudicea

That's right. How many political articles begin with "The Democrats introduced" or "The Republicans defeated". Many people out there - lots of viners included - never get past the headlines. They just say "Those damned ________" (Fill in the party of your choice)

I just came from an article about the defeat of two separate balanced budget Amendments - one from each party. One was a pretty good Amendment and one was as stupid and partisan as it could get. Yet the headline said it all.

When are people going to wake up? Congress has become about ONE THING - remaining in office. They don't CARE about you or I, or America. They care about sound-bites, endorsements and paychecks. They care about BEING a "Senator" or a "Congressman". They care about how many times they get interviewed on CNN or NBC.

It's the IDIOTS out there who keep voting for them who are ultimately responsible for the economy, and the lack of jobs, and our loss of freedoms. Yeah, it's YOU who can't be bothered voting who are answerable for the direction this country has taken. YOU who bash the Republicans, and YOU who bash the Democrats - YOU are accountable because you can't see past partisanship. Your elected official smiles when he sees you Tea Partiers and you OWS protestors because as long as your attention is elsewhere, HE is in the clear.

WAKE UP, Americans! Please. Before it's too late! Our Government is a joke. It's a side-show of buffoonery such as I've never seen before. The World is laughing at us. and it's YOUR FAULT.

We are at a crossroads. Either our government will end this circus act it has become, or America will destroy itself from within. What's it gonna be?