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01/26/13 10:15 PM

#50518 RE: BRICK_TOP #50515

Nobody is confirming an MJFox grant on Feb 20. The possibility is there. The difference between us longs and the nay sayers is that us longs wouldn't be posting on this board if we didn't have something positive to say about AMBS. There for the longs are honest and the negative ppl are not/quote]

I responded to a post that said the MJFF WIIL approve a grant to AMBS.

If you have a problem understanding the difference in meaning between 'possibility' and 'will', it's your problem.

There's is absolutely nothing negative in my challenging the assertion that a grant WILL be awarded. Now, I am both 'long' and 'honest'....and I'd like to see a grant to AMBS from the MJFF.

However any claim that you can tell that longs are honest and anyone you designate as 'negative' is de facto not honest is ridiculus.