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01/26/13 12:20 PM

#72088 RE: properlynumb #72084

Partisan shit-slinging is so tiresome and repetitive. Half of the people here need a shrink, imo. I'm reminded of the saying......"God must love idiots......He created so many of them".


01/26/13 1:04 PM

#72093 RE: properlynumb #72084

Hehe, that is pretty much how it goes in here no matter what facts are put forward.

Global warming is measurable, so i don't know how someone can refute it.

It being human-assisted is the best fit of the data when comparing carbon loading and temperature responses, particularly when comparing it to earlier times in our geologic history for which we have the ability to measure changes in carbon and response over time.

Even if that point is set aside, the question is what it means. In the here and now, it means i think it is stupid to rebuild on the jersey dunes with my tax and insurance money. The money should be used for rebuilding on higher ground and use the shore dunes as buffers. A warmer planet means higher ocean levels. Enough of building below sea level in New Orleans, too.

We will be in a position that all organisms find themselves in... the options are adapt, migrate, or die. Sticking one's head in the sand will not make it go away. It is just a symptom of overpopulation. Even if measured in Celsius...LOL