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01/24/13 2:49 PM

#467 RE: keyscruiser #466

Referring to the word "Dividend" in the board title? That is the name of the security. So I can't do much about the title. There are plenty of funds with "Growth" in the name that go years without "growing".

Here's what Alpine says: "These monthly distributions may consist of net investment income, net realized capital gains and / or a return of capital."

There have been a number of very cerebral university journal articles written about the quirkiness of CEFs.

For example:

Why do some bad CEFs sell at premiums to NAV? Why do some good ones sell at discounts to NAV? Some very brainy people don't know.

What is known: over a very long period the market price and the underlying economic value tend to converge. I wouldn't touch any CEF selling at a premium.


01/29/13 6:59 PM

#468 RE: keyscruiser #466

"Equity CEFs: The Insanity Of CEF Investors"

Doug Albo again attacks AOD, AGD and overpriced CEFs in general.

"I don't know what it's going to take to get investors to finally figure out which equity based closed-end funds (CEFs) are attractive and which ones are not, but the difference can mean a lot of money for investors in these high yielding funds over the long run...."