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01/23/13 8:05 PM

#16780 RE: RockQQ #16778

Thanks for clarifying that Rock . I appreciate you and all the people on this board that help keep all of our sprites up.



01/23/13 8:20 PM

#16781 RE: RockQQ #16778

A "break and stay above .09" will just be the new normal for the hour-day traders that trade the BORK chart. No way we will see a $1 BORK if all trading is done via the chart, as the traders after any .09 will cease trading BORK and allow it to collapse downward until they get their high percentage moves. Without company updates BORK will yo-yo under ten cents. Thats insight of reality from one not skilled in the markets, but how it has been done in the past for all penny companies.
