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ergo sum

01/23/13 10:19 AM

#71597 RE: properlynumb #71596

Isn't it God that is the theory?


01/23/13 2:40 PM

#71615 RE: properlynumb #71596

Observation of physical changes over time is well documented and proven.

Well, in fact, the physical change you reference is well documented in very recent history, when you consider the age of planet Earth. I really dislike these arguments about evolution and creationism, they go round in endless circles.

Unfortunately the evolution argument is on rocky ground when you try to explain the very beginnings of life from the "Primordial Soup". The evidence of the very first biologically based cells is predicated on scientific assumptions, but even more intractable is how do we explain matter?

When we can explain the origin of matter, perhaps everything else will become self evident?


01/23/13 3:09 PM

#71623 RE: properlynumb #71596

Seems there are some very intelligent people who do not agree with the MSM garbage you choose to accept as "fact" on evolution, just as you choose to accept what they tell you about the economy, unemployment, taxation, the Constitution, the environment, and a whole host of other GARBAGE they spew. I hate to tell you, but the guy behind the federal gov't curtain is a tiny impotent little man pulling ropes for the sheeple. Unfortunately for them, there are millions of Dorothys now in the country who don't accept their BS. You keep trusting them, if that makes you FEEL better, as that seems to be the ONLY goal of the liberal mind. FACTS don't matter, but FEELINGS count for everything. LAW does not matter, as long as everyone FEELS good. Competition and grades and education are not nearly as important as how a child FEELS about themselves.

There are a million links to reputable people who say evolution, as it is taught by the establishment, is bunk. But of course, if you refuse to read or listen to anything that makes you FEEL bad or unsure about what you have chosen to believe, there's little hope. I understand that. It is WAY more easy to just take the blue pill and keep your eyes closed to the truth in many areas of life, as that does make one FEEL better. Reality is a bitch sometimes . . . especially in regards to the fed gov't and the MSM.