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01/19/13 2:58 PM


Agree completely SE...

with your entire post. This in particular is in play now that the company has resurrected itself.

I hope that as the company develops this stock will also develop into a stable, predictable investment that responds reasonably to company developments as well as changes in the commodity price itself.

I think we are seeing this marerialize as we speak. Nice rise this week in response to material developments and events with Superior. In addition the presence of Devon becoming a part of the equation only adds further legitmacy to the fact Superior is once again an operating engine.

Easily the stock could have ran to a dime based on current valuation of the leases alone but the current market of seasoned investors chose the slow and steady route. I along with many long term holders appreciate the nice steady increase in PPS. I will continue to add on the dips. The more shares we longs accumulate the tighter the float becomes. All goods things.

We are again in play to feel the postives from rising oil prices due to economic and geopolitical changes in the world. We are also in play to feel the benefits of upcoming material events occuring within the company itself.

Essentially these events all add and further support the fact that Superior is vastly undervalued today and under steady accumulation by longer term more seasoned individuals. I am with you SE, I want more shares. I consider the shareprice dirt cheap at a nickel and below. Anytime you can buy at 50% plus below true value in PPS and the company hasn't even begun to spread its wings you have something very special. Add to that the fact geopolictical issues are flaring up as we speak with the summer driving season now visable off in the distance. We could very well be in the sweet spot.

It may be hard to keep SIOR under the radar but lets do the best we can!! I like the dime target and hope it is slow and steady establishing nice firm bases as we move too and exceed that target. What happens next could be incredible as the company continues to execute.

Just an after thought and for grins. Consider the PPS appreciating steady as she goes for several months reaching between a dime and quarter. Then we get word of becoming current with up to date filings, Blast Off!! Just think of a float that is tight coupled with a fully executing company with partners. Scary huh!!! I like the ole KOG 4 year chart myself!! It is what it is.

Whats again funny, you see folks in pennyland chasing the vaporware holdings left and right trying to buy as low as possible and sell as high as possible before the bottom falls out avoiding being caught on the wrong side of the trade. Its dog eat dog out there. Then you have little ole under the radar Superior here. I know the stock I enjoy and appreciate being in the most!!

Have a great weekend ALL!!!


01/19/13 3:04 PM


Last I heard there was "nothin going on here, nothing to see", LMAO!!!!!

In my case I wish I had slapped that Superior assK a lot harder two weeks ago :-)