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01/18/13 1:56 PM

#196993 RE: wshaw14 #196991

I'm pretty sure he could get away with it- what's going to happen to him? Do you think in your wildest dreams he would get convicted if impeached?


01/20/13 6:57 PM

#197270 RE: wshaw14 #196991

Obama Furious He Wasted Week Posing for Coin

Posted by Andy Borowitz
January 13, 2013

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—President Barack Obama was “totally furious” he spent a week of his time posing for a trillion-dollar platinum coin that would never be minted, a White House source confirmed today.

“The President is a super-busy man, so it’s understandable that he’d be mad,” the source said. “It’s not like he has time to sit still for hours on end for a coin that’s not going to happen.”

Mr. Obama devoted much of last week to posing for the trillion-dollar coin on the assurances of outgoing Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, who told Mr. Obama that the coin had “a way better than fifty percent chance” of being minted.

Based on Mr. Geithner’s advice, Mr. Obama carved hours out of his schedule to pose for the ill-fated coin, even cutting short meetings with world leaders such as Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

But even as he posed for it, Mr. Obama seemed “fidgety and skeptical” that the platinum coin would ever see the light of day.

“He was like, ‘Look, I’ve got things to do. Is this coin really going to happen, because if not, this whole thing is really messed up,’” the source said.

When Mr. Geithner delivered the news to the President that the coin idea had been scrapped, according to the source, “to say that things got ugly would be a massive understatement.”

The coin fiasco behind him, Mr. Obama has now apparently learned his lesson, the source said: “If this coin idea ever comes up again, he’s going to make Biden pose for it.”

© 2013 Condé Nast


01/20/13 7:25 PM

#197281 RE: wshaw14 #196991

Unlike your conservative loons Obama's administration make decisions after careful consideration ..

Obama Administration Rejects Platinum Coin Debt-Ceiling Solution

they are not children as your silly "If he believed he could get away with it, he would have done." suggests.

On the other hand there was the House Caucus Room restaurant decision

"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president." .. linked in this one ..

wshaw14 - can you play partisan? .. what is your position on the Republican House
Caucus Restaurantdecision to obstruct Obama on every single piece of legislation?

a decision of irresponsible ULTRA-partisan House GOPers which those petulant 'we lost' child-like adults made.

More terrorist behavior of your side ..

West Point Military Acadamy Combating Terrorism Study: 400% rise in Rightwing Violence since 90's