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01/18/13 1:31 PM

#28746 RE: top240 #28738

Ya I'm not surprised the voicemails are disconnected. Probably overwhelmed with messages and why not spoon shareholder rage over to someone else? Wisely, management's ducking their heads now. Bet you're right about the delays too. Circumstances outside magagements control, and I can't imagine Mason would have PR'd "we're about to be handsomely rewarded" when the pps was .08 if he'd known this BS was going to take place. Maybe he did but at this point it hardly matters and I have little to lose in assuming Mason's working hard to combat this turn of events. It may be a little company, but the stakes are high and in the immortal words of my favorite drunk, it's "War all the time." Perhaps especially so in the oil biz.

Incidentally, I just fired a test shot at that 50k ask at .012 and it's deeper than 50k.