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01/18/13 6:11 AM

#103 RE: americano #98

ETFS Silver Trust' often held by bank-sters
ETFS be easy to confiscate to back up all bankrupt -
and for a new -
fiat$ paper poncy schemes of currencies -

history often repeat itself -

Silver in big demand -
as safety insurance for fiat$ bankrupt -

BEWARE: Registration Then Confiscation -
physical gold and silver as well.

History often repeat itself -

They want private citizens to register -
for future tax - their gold and silver coins.
And if they do not, ... it used to be 10yrs jail -

Note. vs. Silver and Gold mining shares -
shares in mining company has never
been confiscated in the USA -

Silver - Spot Price (EOD)
$SILVER Chart Long Term 10yrs Ag-Bull &
Short Term Targets

Most long term investors prefer PM Au & Ag mining shares -

God Bless