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01/16/13 10:56 PM

#3117 RE: Bob-C #3115

Bob-C thank you its a good $GOLD chart -

TI Bollinger Bands tighter UP for a next move -

What Do German Central Bankers Know That We Don’t?
January 16, 2013

Ben Bernanke and the rest of the US Federal Reserve bet the farm
that they could engage in countless monetary interventions,
keep interest rates at zero, and print over $2 trillion in
new fiat$$currency without damaging the US’s credibility.

They were wrong.
Indeed, Germany just fired a major warning shot to
the US Federal Reserve.

On Monday, Germany announced that it will be moving a significant
portion of its Gold reserves out of storage with
the New York Fed and moving them back to Germany.

A few background details.

Germany has the second largest Gold reserves in the world -
behind the US?

Since the early ‘80s, Germany has stored the largest portion
of its Gold reserves with the New York Fed (45% vs.
13% in London, 11% in Paris and the remaining 31% in Frankfurt).

In the fall of last year, German officials began raising
the issue of auditing its reserves at the NY Fed.

Why would Germany suddenly decide that it wants to change
a policy it has had in place for over 30 years?

More importantly, how did it go from wanting to audit its reserves -
to actually removing them from the NY Fed’s care?

In simple terms, Germany has just announced -
that it doesn’t trust the US Fed.

The world’s Central Banks have been staging a global currency way
for several years now.
Germany, China, Japan, and the US all want to keep their currencies
weak to improve exports and minimize their debt loads.

In the case of Germany, it’s the second largest exporter of goods
in the world behind China.

More than anyone in the EU, Germany wants a weak Euro.

However, every time the Fed announces a new policy, the US Dollar
falls, the Euro rallies and German exports fall off a cliff.

Germany is now openly telling the Fed that it is done playing
This will have severe consequences in the financial system.

Remember, the only thing holding the financial system together
is belief in the Central Banks.
If the Central Banks (it was Germany’s Bundesbank that is behind
the Gold move) stop trusting one another or grow openly
antagonistic, then things will get very bad very quickly.

For months now we’ve been asserting that the “improvements”
in the global economy and financial system were a mirage.
Germany’s move has confirmed this.
If the financial system was in fact safe and the global economy
was improving, Germany would not feel the need
to repatriate its Gold.

Which begs the question, what exactly -
do German Central Bankers know that we don’t?

The Gold Scam, Part 1 of 4. Fort Knox Gold: Gone?

What are the charts telling us?

For the investors with their eyes still open, make the accumulation
of the junior mining shares while they are still available
at these ridiculously low prices.
It's your money, it's your choice -
God Bless


01/17/13 5:43 AM

#3120 RE: Bob-C #3115

CALVF Blanket Mines $Gold Chart Alert turn around & Start Bull Run

TI RSI and MACD enter the buy zone -

Caledonia Mining Corp. (CALVF) Monthly

Caledonia Mining Corp. (CALVF) Mthly Target $0.30 +

CALVF NAMA $COPPER Spot Price - LT Trend Moving UP -

history often repeat itself -

According To The Bretton Woods Calculation, Gold Is Worth $20,000 Per Ounce

Read more:
God Bless