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01/15/13 10:20 PM

#95635 RE: apprenante #95634

Please give proof (links , etc) . Don't make statements that you can not back up.


01/15/13 10:30 PM

#95636 RE: apprenante #95634

WRONG! ... Here's a severe issue ...

When someone states that they provide links so other people can see the information and confirm ... then links are expected ... PLEASE PROVIDE THESE LINKS ... it's been over 3 Weeks for crying out loud.

Post 91293

When I provide information, I include a link so that other people can see where I got that information and confirm what I say.

Post 90033

Uh-huh. HLNT's "CEO" scamming investors and doing "business" with his own privately owned AHS (no TM). Sounds like MONKEY business to me!

Post 90594

based on Coats' history of shady dealings and scams