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01/12/13 3:55 AM

#196629 RE: F6 #196628

F6 - lol .. yeah, figured you might "hmmm", seriously did .. maybe only hmm, but did figure you might .. lol
.. i'm not Glenn Beck, or Alex Jones, so don't make things up, or lie habitually .. gee whizzzzzzzz, Morgan
could be just a doting grandfather with a doting lovely young granddaughter good friend .. yeah, of course, i
had wonderings like ????s on reading ones i did on checking .. but wth do i know .. LOL .. he does/did have his
right index finger respectfully outward .. wdoino .. grin .. thank you, didn't think you would let that slide .. LMAO! ..

now back to wandering through the preparation of a Hofstadter sp? .. lol .. there is
something in there you might hmmm at, too .. betcha pick up what i'm thinking of ..
while also watching Attenborough on Orangutans (or tangs) .. shucks, it's over .. love em ..

Attenborough: Amazing DIY Orangutans - BBC Earth

lol .. 2nd time for those little beauties .. here is a sloth with eagle-like eyes ..

Attenborough: Saying Boo to a Sloth! - BBC Earth

why does the sloth come down to the ground to defecate? .. because
it's a very thoughtful sloth, David .. lol .. wdoino .. LOL .. now back to...