Let's compare notes on something else if you have a moment.
I'm looking at my multiple time frame indicators on Comp, NDX, SPX, and INDU. Basically they look like this:
Index Weekly Daily 120 60 30 15 5 =========================================================== Comp OS 29.35 OS OS All went OS now UP NDX 21.06 OS OS OS All went OS now UP SPX OS 25.43 OS OS UP from OS INDU OS OS OS OS UP from OS
Index Weekly Daily 120 60 30 15 5 =========================================================== Comp OS OS ***OS turning UP*** UP NDX OS OS OS OS OS Up from OS SPX OS OS OS OS OS OS Up from OS INDU OS OS OS OS OS OS "
So, I'm figuring that a little rally for Max Pain purposes has to start sooner than later.