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im a survivor

04/23/01 9:32 AM

#194 RE: bonnuss #187

C'mon Bonnie, you know flattery will get you everywhere<ggg>

Seriously, Greg sent me a PM and told me to stop being so confrontational with idiots that are only looking to get you riled up, so I am going to take his advice and try and tone down this Class A personality he is always getting on me about <ggg>

If your not worth responding to, I will ignore, or respond with a nice ....HO HUMMM!!

Hope you have a great week


greg offen

04/24/01 10:31 AM

#255 RE: bonnuss #187

Hello Bonus,

I saw your post concerning discussion on the mental aspects of how and why things occur as they do on these chat boards.

No offense to you, as I am sure you are a wonderful person, but I am going to defer to RP ( The Real Poet ) who also is in the field of Mental Health. I really have no desire to be part of internet chat boards. Please do not take offense to this, as it is not a reflection on you, I just do not think internet chat boards are productive ways to spend your time, and I don't plan on doing so.

I do this for a living. The last thing I want to do with any little spare time I have, is chat and discuss what I do 60 hours every week.

Also, needless to say, this parking lot is the last place in the world you will catch me after today. This particular chat board is filled with many troubled individual, and I don't think I will even bother lurking here either, let alone posting.

Again, no offense to you.

Wish you the best and some advice - as you and maybe 3 other people seem to be the only sane people on this chat board, why continue to post? Why not go someplace else, a little more sane. No need to answer- it was more of a suggestion then a question.

best to you,
