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01/10/13 7:16 AM

#69977 RE: properlynumb #69902

Unless the Repub party finds leaders who CAN GOVERN AND NOT JUSTsOBSTRUCT AND JUST CRITICIZE EVERYTHING THE DEM PRESIDENT SAYS/DOES, they will continue to put up candidates like Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan who only FOX thought could win, and eventually be out of business.

The fun begins again this year when former Repub Senator and VietNam war vet Chuck Hagel, who carries shrappel in his body from his tour in VN and has been nominated by Pres Obama to be his Def Sec'ty, appears before the Senate Committee for approval...On Hagel's last day in the Senate, Repub Sen Mitch McConnell was one of the first senators to praise Hagel for his expertise, and said Hagel's leadership will be forward to this week when Pres Obama announced Hagel for Defense Sec'ty - Repub Sen Mitch McConnell was first to the mic to question Hagel's qualifications and leadership. And we're expected to take this crop of Repub pols seriously and believe they can govern? Really? FOX viewers buy anything Repub pols sell; those who know what's going on don't.

Pres Obama's Budget Director Jack Lew has been tapped by Obama for Treas Sec'ty - Lew scares the hell out of Repubs; he's a tough negotiator.