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01/06/13 1:32 AM

#6762 RE: sdtrond #6760

Distant median to PPS is around 2 years. To completely disregard it as 1 year is foolish. It's still relatively huge and twarts the data significantly to a median PPS of under 12 months.

It is wrecklessly irresponsible to quote 12 months when you require ignoring the other 3 aspects of PFS which, in totality, are significantly in the first 12 months.

12 months is not even close to reality.


01/06/13 10:57 AM

#6768 RE: sdtrond #6760

"distant will occur later on average than local".

Agree , however this is tru for RFA as well. So, in that case if we consider distant and local both in median calculation then median PFS must go beyond 12 months. right or wrong?

Again confused.