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01/06/13 10:48 AM

#210672 RE: mj638 #210666

I disagree your post forgets, neglects, so much - LOL!

Companies that go to zero - are out of business - Kat Exploration is NOT out of business!!

Companies that go to zero - are bankrupt - Kat Exploration has $$MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in BVIG stock again $1,000,000'S in BVIG stock.

1. For one our toxic financing - financiers that dumped tens of millions of shares into the market that were not to be traded yet they were put into trading. (the SEC is after them!)

2. The quiet period created by our effort to move to the OTC-QB with BVIG and the now approved -NOW APPROVED BVIG distribution S-1. Eight months in the making. (Really two years with the failed distribution)

3. The selling of claims (Lucky, HandCamp, Rusty - more to BVIG) for again millions in stock.

4. The constant attack by KATX Market Makers to discourage investors and the effort to put KATX out of business.

1. As it has dropped the shares are constantly sucked up by investors! Investors keep adding!

2. The commitment by management (the KAT Board) to not let KATX die on the vine! Ken is committed to KATX, he takes almost no money in salary. They can't close the Kats!

3. We are at the point that the newly purchased shares can easily go up double, triple - 10X - 100X on positive news. That brings in INTERESTED INVESTORS.

4. KATX hold Millions of dollars in BVIG shares - how many companies at trip zero hold $$ MILLIONS - NONE!

5. The properties BVIG holds have beyond excellent potential. The current price of Gold - Silver!

6. Even with the constant attacks existing shareHolders have NOT flinched, stampeded, run, sold. The current price is so low it worth waiting for the rebound.

7. The Ekom Eya has excellent potential to bring in a revenue stream. BVIG has borrowed money from KATX and as BVIG grows money will come back into KATX for new claims.

8. KATX Market Makers have run out of room to attack they cannot take it to zero, investors see the potential increases and suck up the shares - I have! Let them take it lower it creates incredible opportunities.

Bottom Line - I like the potential!

Investors have a choice stay/wait or run/cry - to buy - to hold or just pass it by till upward movement begins. So many choices!